Sunday, January 23, 2011

The birthday celebration continues

In front of the Hawthorne Bridge
Ok, so it wasn't a weeklong staycation, but I'll take it: An overnight stay at The Nines in downtown Portland that was the last of my month-ago birthday gifts.

Lori made the reservation late last year, so I had been looking forward to it for some time. The experience did not disappoint. We rode the bus downtown, checked in at 6, had a delicious pan-Asian dinner in the 15th floor restaurant (Departure), caught a fine new movie ("The King's Speech,") and then settled in for the night in a luxurious room. Today we slept in, had breakfast at the trendy Urban Farmer inside The Nines, had an hour-long walk along the riverfront and stopped in at the new H&M store in Pioneer Place, where I found a very affordable shirt as a souvenir for the weekend.

Nothing better than strolling arm-in-arm and having the guy who stopped his bike ride to take our picture ask: "Are you two married?"

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