Saturday, September 1, 2007

COUNTERPOINT: Friends of Leonard Peltier to Tim Giago

(Photo Akwesasne Press) Center: Dickie Wilson, Chairman of the Oglala Sioux Tribe at the time of Wounded Knee, and Guardians Of the Oglala Nation, or GOONs. More photos:

Counterpoint: Friends of Leonard Peltier respond to Tim Giago's recent column:

From the Friends of Leonard Peltier
August 31, 2007
A response to What is the Truth About the Murder of Anna Mae?
Tim Giago, The Huffington Post, August 30, 2007:

“If, Giago is a lover of ‘fact’ and ‘objective’ journalism, as he claims, perhaps he will take the time to actually read and study the thousands of documents produced by [the] FBI... If that isn't enough, Tim Giago can watch reruns of interviews with judges, ex-GOONs describing their FBI support, [and] victims of GOONs’ terror... All of these... are available for anyone truly interested in facts.” -- Leonard Peltier (Letter to the Editor, May 1991 Edition of News From Indian Country)
Read article:
Response to "What is the Truth About the Murder of Anna Mae?" by Tim Giago
--Friends of Leonard Peltier

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