Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Harvest dinner, honoring the Longest Walks

Harvest Dinner
Sunday October 7th, 2007
1:00-7:00 p.m.
Community Celebration to
“Honor the people that participated in the Longest Walk of 1978”
“In Honor of those who plan to walk for us in 2008”
Film presentations on the walk of 1978 & the Sacred Runs
Videos of walkers unable to attend
Break-out Discussion groups for adults, t’weens
Activities for young children.
All Drums Welcome, mini-pow-wow for the youth
Please bring traditional side dishes that represent your tribal nations to share:

The San Francisco Bahai’ Center
170 Valencia St. San Francisco, Ca. 94103
Please contact Cathy Chapman 707-888-2012 after 5:00 p.m. catichapman@gmail.com or Angela Huapaya 415-522-5100 ahuapaya@washoetanf.org to reserve your vendor space
and /or volunteer to cook
Co-Sponsored by the San Francisco Native American Community
The San Francisco Native American Health Center
The Native TANF Program of San Francisco
The Inter-Tribal Friendship House of Oakland
And other Community Groups TBA
A clean & sober event

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