Sunday, September 9, 2007

Speak out for Arizona border jaguars

By Brenda Norrell

SASABE, Ariz. -- The United States has started work on the Sasabe border wall without any public comment period. It is the latest assault on the laws of the United States by the lawless who are in power. This time it is the jaguar and other border wildlife that are the victims.
Give the jaguars and other wildlife a voice, let it be yours:


The Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge wants to know what you think about the proposed use of a 0.8-mile stretch of its lands for a section of 7-mile fence flanking Sasabe. The Department of Homeland Security is required to obtain approval from the refuge. Officials have issued a draft compatibility determination that reviews whether the fence will interfere with the refuge's responsibilities; it is available at libraries in Green Valley and Arivaca.
Written comments received by Sept. 18 will be considered in the final draft of this document. Comments should be sent to: Refuge Manager, Buenos Aires NWR, P.O. Box 109, Sasabe, Ariz., 85633. To request a copy of the document or get more information, you can call the refuge office at: (520)823-4251.
Length of primary fencing in Arizona:• Nogales: 2.8 miles (10.65 additional miles planned) = 13.45 miles• Naco/Douglas: 24 miles (23.25 miles planned) = 47.25 miles• Yuma: 25 miles (9 miles planned) = 34 miles• Total: 51.8 miles (42.9 additional miles planned) = 94.7 miles
Did you know ...
According to one Indian myth, the jaguar — the largest cat in the Americas — acquired its spotted coat by daubing mud on its body with its paws. Translated, the jaguar's name means, "a beast that kills its prey with a single bound."
Researchers thought the majestic cat had become nearly extinct in the U.S. by the mid-1900s, with only four sightings from the 1960s-1980s. Then, in March 1996, Warner Glenn, a Douglas-area rancher and lion hunter, spotted and photographed a jaguar in the Peloncillo Mountains at the Arizona-New Mexico border. Since then, four male jaguars have been repeatedly photographed in Southern Arizona.

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