Monday, September 3, 2007

'Lipstick on the pig'

By Brenda Norrell

The best incoming quote on this holiday in the U.S. comes from Dallas, Texas. John Wheat Gibson was asked about the ACLU's recent legal settlement with the Hutto prison in Texas, where migrant and refugee infants and children are imprisoned. Here's what he said:

"A pathetic distraction from the fact of incarcerating children to the conditions of their incarceration. Lipstick on the pig."

John Wheat Gibson
Dallas, Texas
Today in the news: "Migrant Detention Center will get facelift"

This El Paso Times' articles does not mention that a prison guard exposed maggots in the food at the prison. This prison for children, which denied a visit by a U.N. Rapporteur, does not need a facelift, it needs to be prevented by law from imprisoning infants and children.
" Earlier this year, immigrant advocates started decrying conditions there. Children, even infants, and adults were forced to wear prison-like garb. Pregnant mothers, they said, didn't receive needed prenatal care, guards intimidated and threatened detainees and food served was unhealthful.
'It was basically run like a prison,' said Barbara Hines, director of the University of Texas School of Law Immigration Clinic.

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