Friday, November 16, 2007

Fort Huachuca: Vigil in opposition to U.S. torture

The Ft. Huachuca Witness
'No' to Extreme Interrogation and 'No' to Torture Training at Ft. Huachuca

November 17, Teach-in Against Torture, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
November 18, Vigil & Action at the Main Gate of Fort Huachuca, Sierra Vista, AZ

The Southwest Witness, along with Veterans for Peace and other concerned citizens, are joining together to stop coercive interrogation and torture training by the U.S. Army.
To call for the end of torture and torture training, Southwest Witness will hold a "Weekend of Witness" in Tucson and Sierra Vista, AZ on November 17 and 18.
Planned events include a "Teach-In Against Torture" from 9 to 4 on Saturday the 17th at Pima Community College Downtown Campus, the showing of "The Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" followed by a procession and all-night vigil, and a peaceful, legally permitted demonstration at the Main Gate of Ft. Huachuca in Sierra Vista from 11 to 3 on Sunday, November 18.
Complete information regarding these events is posted on our website at
Southwest Witness is calling for a Congressional investigation into torture training and practice in the US government. We call for the establishment of a national independent oversight commission to oversee and report on interrogation training and practice at the US Army National Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca, and all other places related to the US government, where interrogation practices are taught.We insist the US government respect its legal, moral, and treaty obligations as defined by the Geneva Conventions, the UN Convention Against Torture, and the historic human rights values of our nation.Torture and torture training is wrong. Torture is ineffective. Torture is a crime. Citizens have both a moral and legal obligation to be certain that torture is never employed by our government.
For complete information:

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