Monday, November 12, 2007

Yaqui delegation detained enroute to Indigenous Border Summit

A delegation of Yaquis from Sonora, Mexico, were detained at the US/Mexico border for 11 hours without food or water, enroute to the Indigenous Peoples' Border Summit of the Americas 2007. The delegation persevered and arrived to share their critical information on how pesticides banned in the United States are killing Yaqui in Rio Sonora, six hours drive south of the border. "Jelly babies," babies born without bones, have been born in the Yaqui Pueblos. The other place the "jelly babies" are found is in the Pacific Islands, where mothers are the victims of extensive nuclear testing. (Photo: Members of the Yaqui delegation from Sonora interviewed on for summit webcast. Photo Brenda Norrell) Article coming ...

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