Thursday, November 15, 2007

The red dot is for death on Tohono O'odham land

(Photo 1) Boeing is the contractor building the Apartheid Wall on Tohono O'odham land along the Arizona/Mexico border. In the photo are members of the National Guard and a US Border Patrol agent. (Photo 2) Humane Borders map: The red dots mark the spot of a migrant death, the majority dying of dehydration and heat and for want of a drink of water. The highest concentration of deaths is within a few miles of the Tohono O'odham Nation capitol of Sells, Arizona. The Indigenous Peoples' Border Summit of the Americas urged a halt to the Apartheid Wall which is pressing Indigenous Peoples into more remote areas of the desert to die. The summit urged a halt to the arrest of Mayans and other Indigenous Peoples, including women and children, walking to a better life. (Please double click on photos to enlarge.) Photo credit: Indigenous Border Summit photographers pool
Mohawks, Border Delegation, inflamed over arrest of Indigenous Peoples:

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