Monday, November 5, 2007

Snowbowl protest Wednesday Flagstaff, Arizona


Arizona Snowbowl will be holding their annual Job (un)Fair this Wednesday.
Join us and voice/demonstrate your concerns with Snowbowl's attempts to desecrate the Sacred San Francisco Peaks, cause ecological harm and risk community health.
This is an opportunity to educate people that are considering working at Snowbowl.
What: Protest Arizona Snowbowl's Job (un)Fair!
When: Wednesday, November 7th from 4 PM-7 PM
Where: Northern Arizona University's Walkup Sky Dome at the Main Entrance (
Why: Snowbowl Ski Area is attempting to expand their current ski area development and make fake snow from treated sewage effluent on the Sacred San Francisco Peaks despite pleas from tribes, environmental groups and the greater community.
Who: You and anyone who cares about community health, our environment and respecting Indigenous cultures!

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