Wednesday, December 5, 2007

American Indian Airwaves Wednesday, Dec. 05, 2007

Wednesday, 12-05-07, on American Indian Airwaves
"The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Indian Country, The Militarization of First Nations, and Defending 13 Indigenous Nations Sacred Site"Part 1: The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Indian CountryDr. Irene Vernon (Mescalero-Apache and Yaqui Nations), Professor Vernon is the Chair of the Ethnic Studies Department at Colorado State University and the Assistant Dean of the Liberal Arts College Professor Vernon joins to discuss the global HIV/AIDS Pandemic throughout "Indian Country" and how indigenous peoples are one of the most invisible populations impacted by this current pandemic.
Part 2: The Militarization of Indigenous Nations Along the US-Mexico Poltical Borders.Margo Tamez (Lipan-Nde'Apache Nations) . Margo discusses the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border, the implementation of the U.S. governments newest form of aparthied by erecting a 2,000 mile fence along the U.S.-Mexico border thus forcing the relocation of indigenous peoples and their respective First Nations, and the Department of Homeland Security's waiver of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). This segment of the show was supposed to broadcast last week, but did not due to station technical difficulties.
Part 3: Defending 13 Indigenous Nations Sacred SiteKlee Benally (Dine' Nation) Klee, a representative and organizer from the Save the Peaks Coalition ( provides us information on how people can support human rights by protecting sacred sites this coming December 11th, 2007 in Pasadena, CA when the entire U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will reconsider allowing the desecration and destruction of the San Francisco Peaks by the United States Forest Service and the Arizona Ski Bowl area. The "San Francisco Peaks" are a sacred site to 13 indigenous nations. The US Court of Appeals address is: 125 South Grand Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91105.
American Indian Airwaves regularly broadcast every Wednesday from 3pm to 4pm (PCT) on KPFK FM 90.7 in Los Angles, FM 98.7 in Santa Barbara, and by Internet with Real Media Player, Winamp, & Itunes at
SPECIAL NOTICE: weekly shows can now be heard on the KPFK web site under "audio archives" located on the left. Scroll down and click on American Indian Airwaves.

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