Monday, December 10, 2007

Mohawks: US flogging old Washington mule in Latin America

"They referred to the U.S. relationship with Hugo Chavez as 'two scorpions in a bottle … no matter who bites first, both will die.'"

Kahentinetha Horn
Mohawk Nation News
Dec. 18th, 2007
NEW YORK -- Late last Wednesday night a call came from Akwesasne, “What’re you doing?” The response was, “Nothing!” The next question was, “Wanna go down to New York City for a meeting?” The answer was, “Sure!” The next morning two Mohawks, one from Kahnawake and another from Kanehsatake, met up with two other Mohawks from Akwesasne in Upstate New York for the long drive in the pick up truck to the big Apple. The meeting was across from the Empire State Building. WOLA is the “Washington Office on Latin America."
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Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, was recently the guest of President Hugo Chavez and Indigenous leaders in Venezuela.
Photo Kahentinetha Horn at the Indigenous Peoples Border Summit of the Americas 2007 on Tohono O'odham land/by Brenda Norrell

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