Saturday, December 8, 2007

Lipan Apache solidarity march in Texas December 12, 2007

As Homeland Security prepares to seize private lands in southern Texas, under the law of eminent domain for the border wall, join Lipan Apache in solidarity and march December 12 in Brownsville:

From Margo Tamez:
I ask everyone to please join us in our holy solidarity walk for justice and peace for Nde' people in El Calaboz, and South Texas. The phone calls this morning from Apache people all over, and from our supporters has been phenomenal. We've had support as far away as Colombia this morning.
The majority of the refusers are land grant descent people, who are both aboriginal and mixed-blood people. Texas refuses to acknowledge aboriginal rights within its borders.
Eloisa Garcia Tamez is planning to go speak on the microphone at the rally which Brownsville Mayor Ahumada is organizing. We're working to get a massive number of community members from South Texas and from throughout the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona corridors to quickly travel out there.
We've heard from numerous indigenous rights activists from all directions who plan to travel immediately in solidarity.
Also, please note that the indigenous peoples (who may only identify publicly under current Texas colonialist structures as "Mexican", "Mexicano", and "Hispanic") are very reverent on the December 12 Holy Feast Day of the Guadalupe (Virgin) on that day. Indigenous rights spokespersons, such as Dr. Eloisa Garcia Tamez, will attend the Mayor's rally. She indicated that she will respectfully request faith leaders, such as her own parish priest, to walk with her on that day in solidarity for El Calaboz, La Paloma and El Ranchito land grant descendants.
She asks that people bring banners of the Holy Mother and other objects of reverence to all indigenous faiths and beliefs and to organize a procession in respect for Creator. This will be the first time, in a very long time, in her life that she will not go to pay her respects in Church on the December 12 Holy Day of Guadalupe; she indicated by phone this morning that she feels that she was told that Our Mother wants her to march for the people on the 12th, and that she will already be in 'her church'--Mother Earth.In solidarity, Lipan Apache Women Defense, we are following the signs that come to my Eloisa Garcia Tamez (the child of lightning ceremony), and we are following our ultimate leaders, the Creator, Ussen (also revered as "God") and Holy White Clay Woman, Esdzanadehe (also revered as Guadalupe), and the Slayer of Monsters, Naye' nazgháné (also revered as 'Christ').
Ahi'i'e! Margo Tamez
Letter of thanks to Brownsville Mayor
Dear Mayor Ahumada,
First I want to applaud your efforts to make space and plenty of room for the most oppressed groups to go to the open mic and to speak theiropposition to the Border Security Project and Chertoff's threats ofeminent forced occupation of ancestral lands.
I am a Lipan Apache and Jumano Apache, a well as Basque land grant descendent, and my maternal community of El Calaboz is immediatelythreatened, culturally (religious, environmentally, educationally,historically), socially, economically and politically by the NSAorders to occupy our lands. Thus, I include you in this larger national and international conversation on the indigenous rights oflocal Title Holder women defenders. I do not speak for them , but speak on authority of the elders who are most vulnerable to eminent threats against an ancient land-based struggle for aboriginal peoples. We are also Spanish land grant title holders and we live peaceablywith a mixed Ibero-Apache unique heritage that is threatened atpresent time by this horrific war against us. We in the San Pedro deCarricito lands are not unaccustomed to these measures, and have longhistories bound up in violent aggression against us by racistgovernments and settler societies.We at this time call upon you to join our struggle and be in solidarity with indigenous people in your county, and on lands being threatened. Our elder women have stood firmly against the orders foroccupation, and have refused to sign waivers. We submitted statementsto the EIS on their website, addressing our critical concerns andeducated the EIS officials regarding the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People recently passed by the United Nations GeneralAssembly on September 7, 2007.
My mother, Dr. Eloisa Garcia Tamez, a honorably discharged veteran of the Army National Guard, and currently a tenured professor at theUniversity of Texas Brownsville, wishes to speak on the microphonefor a time period, in order to share the struggles of the indigenous
Land Title Holders of El Calaboz, La Paloma and El Ranchito.
Please contact me, and feel free to contact my mother, at your earliest convenience to assist her in the coordination of the transportation of elders from our aboriginal community to your forumin dissent against NSA's orders to force racist and genocidal policiesupon our communities.
Respectfully yours,
Margo Tamez
PhD Student, Washington State University
Note about news coverage from Margo Tamez:
The Rio Grande Guardian is a reliable news outlet for updated information about the eminent occupation of U.S. citizens, some who are U.S. Veterans, elderly and sickly peoples, under duress.>>>>>>
Photo: Rio Grande in Texas/Photo Border Ambassadors:

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