Friday, December 7, 2007

Terrorism reigns in America

By Brenda Norrell

THE GATE, TOHONO O'ODHAM NATION (Arizona) -- While the Lipan Apache women and elders were told of the forced occupation and takeover of their lands on the Texas border by Homeland Security yesterday, I was at the border once again being bullied by the Border Patrol.

All along the border, Homeland Security's Border Patrol is intimidating and harassing the people who have lived there all their lives. The Tohono O'odham have lived here since time immemorial. Now their land has been seized and taken over by the Border Patrol, the contractor Boeing and the invading National Guardsmen, for construction of the border wall. The graves of O'odham ancestors have been dug up.

All along the border, young people are intimidated and harassed constantly. Tailgating police, excessive force and Nazi-style prosecutors push them into rage and jails.

At the same time in Tucson, a judge has declared peace activities opposing US torture in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo, as a "danger to the community."

The United States government has become the terrorist it claims to oppose.

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