Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Akwesasne welcomes Lakota Freedom Delegation January 12, 2008

Subject: Announcement Kanionkehaka/Lakota meeting Jan 12

Communities of the Kanionkehaka Nation will be welcoming the Lakota Freedom Delegation of the Lakota Nation
The meeting will take place on Saturday, January 12th, 2008 from 10:00am to 4:00 pm at the Kanionkehaka Kanonsesneh (next to Wild Bill's store) in the community of Akwesasne.
After Supper a Social Dance will follow in honor of our Lakota brothers. The social starts at 7:00 pm.
Everyone is Welcome!
To learn more about Lakota Oyate
Visit the website:
Note: Deserts & Covered dishes welcomed. Main entrees: Breakfast muffins, fruit. Lunch corn soup, meat platters. Supper corn bread and steak. Drinks coffee, teas, strawberry drink.
Photo: Kahentinetha Horn speaks on sovereignty and Indigenous passports, as a Mohawk Warrior holds a sacred Wampum Two Rows Belt, at the Indigenous Peoples' Border Summit of the Americas 2007 on Tohono O'odham land. Photo Brenda Norrell.

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