Thursday, January 10, 2008

Navajos: Vanity Fair the tipster, Sithe Global the coyote

Vanity Fair becomes Dooda (NO) Desert Rock's tipster

By Brenda Norrell

LITTLEWATER, NM -- Sithe Global/Desert Rock says it doesn't have to tell Navajo people about the lease for the dirty coal power plant it plans to build on the Navajo Nation, according to Vanity Fair magazine.
Frank Maisano, speaking for Sithe Global, said only the Navajo government was supposed to know. Masiano told Vanity Fair, “They don’t have to disclose the terms of the lease. This is an agreement between Sithe Global and the Navajo Nation, and the lease is part of an ongoing process.”
OOOPS, Gotcha, says Dooda Desert Rock. Yes Sithe Global does have to disclose the terms to the people. This includes all those Navajos living around the current two power plants without running water and electricity, while almost all the power goes to non-Indians. Navajos have a public information law, which includes leases to the trickster coyotes.
Elouise Brown, president of Dooda Desert Rock, told Vanity Fair, "Your article prompted me to drive to Window Rock on January 10th and our lawyer was right! It took a little persuading, but I got a copy of the lease and its attachment. Now we can see what is in it that shouldn’t be, what’s missing, and follow up on suspicions that people made false promises to Navajo voters to get their vote on resolutions in favor of the plant.
"Thank you Vanity Fair! And no, this organization will not support Rudy Giuliani as President of the United States."
Read letter to Vanity Fair:

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