By Brenda Norrell
It is a great day to be alive and read the news. We all have to wonder if anyone will spend a dime to buy a newspaper again with so much incredible free journalism online. As I was out covering the Free Palestine rally in Tucson today, I checked my e-mail. There was Kahentinetha's latest column from the Mohawk Nation News, detailing the $40 million that Canada spent for a covert operation in 2004 to splice the Mohawks, beginning with an attack on their police station. The documents were gained after years of efforts to obtain them by way of freedom of access to information.
In the e-box, there were also requests from readers around the globe, all wanting to know more about the Republic of Lakotah. So here's one of the recent online articles, "Connect the Dots" by Hickory Hendrickson:
"I had a phone conversation with the web-master for the Republic of Lakotah in which we discussed an individual who was logging in to the Republic of Lakotah forum under one name and posting a new topic. The same IP address would then log right back on under another username and argue with himself. He did this constantly for hours."
There you have it, a great day to read the news. Brenda
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