Monday, January 7, 2008

Attorney to Homeland Security for Apaches: Back off at the border

Updates on Apaches' resistance of land seizures at Censored blog:

Peter Schey
Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law
256 South Occidental Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90057

Re: Texas Landowners’ Objection to Access for Border Fence

Dear Secretary Chertoff:

This office represents Dr. Eloisa García Tamez, a private land-owner in south Texas who has not and will not sign DHS’s “Right-of-Entry for Survey and Assessment.” Despite the Department’s express threat to sue Dr. García Tamez pursuant to its powers of eminent domain if she refuses, Dr. García Tamez will not allow her ancestral property to be surveyed for the erection of the highly controversial security border wall. Along with other property owners, as well as other Nde’ and Basque-Ibero American citizens adversely impacted by DHS’s ultimatum and intended actions, Dr. García Tamez will pursue all available legal avenues under domestic and international laws to protect her right to the full and uninterrupted enjoyment and use of her property. Dr. García Tamez’s resolve reflects a national network of entities, both political and civic, individuals and organizations, that supports the land rights of indigenous peoples and resolutely opposes the building of the militarized border wall.
Read full letter:

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