Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Censored News welcomes readers from around the world

The World is Watching
By Brenda Norrell

SAN FRANCISCO -- A warm welcome to our readers from around the world. Our latest readers are from Benin in West Africa, Morocco, Latvia, Serbia, Ghana, Poland, Malta, Korea and Thailand. All together, readers from 70 countries have viewed Censored News this week. Special thanks to all the contributors!
A very special thanks to the U.N. OBSERVER & International Report at the Hague, for publishing Censored News articles, and to Paul Rafferty for his longtime support.
Thanks also to Victor Rocha at Pechanga Net and Narco News, Counterpunch and Indymedia for publishing the truth. Mohawk Nation News is peerless in the industry, published by resolute women warriors.
The Mohawk Nation News publisher, editors and writers, all Mohawk women, have been beaten by border guards, arrested, followed and harassed by police. Publisher Kahentinetha Horn continues to recover from a heart attack induced by the stresshold of Canadian border agents.
Since Saturday, Nov. 15, Censored News was visited by thousands of readers from 70 countries, from all regions of the earth, from Poland, Bolivia, Vietnam, Croatia, Italy and Turkey to Yemen, Russia and China. Welcome to our readers from Norway, Singapore, Philippines and Kazakhstan. Click on the country counter, on the left, for more details.
I began Censored News because of the censorship of news of Indigenous Peoples and international human rights. What began as alarm when I worked for the national news media, turned to horror in recent years as some of the editorial staff at Indian Country Today, where I served as a longtime staff reporter, manipulated the facts, censored the content and distorted the truth.
Now, Earthcycles producer Govinda Dalton, from northern California, and I are gearing up for the weeklong radio talk show in San Francisco. The live show, which will also be archived, will cover the weeklong AIM-West 40th year reunion; the Alcatraz Island Sunrise Gathering hosted by the International Indian Treaty Council on Nov. 27; the Shellmound and Peace Walkers arriving from their two week walk to the sacred shellmounds.
We'll be following up on the issues revealed on the Longest Walk, northern route across America, including protection of sacred places, climate change, mining and the destruction of Indian country lands, air and water.
We'll have interviews with all the great people attending for the week. Listen Nov. 24 -- 28, 2008, at http://www.earthcycles.net/ We will also be broadcasting live all week on a local FM radio station in San Francisco. If you would like to be a sponsor of a radio show segment, please contact govinda@earthcycles.net/
We will also be linking with other Native radio stations to provide coverage around the United States and globally on the Internet.
On this page for Censored News readers, there's an archive of articles on the lower left, and a blog search for key words, above on the left. On Censored News Page 2, there's the full-text of articles which might not be elsewhere on the web, in large text.
Please keep in your thoughts that Mohawk Nation News and Censored News are both advertising free news sites, with no source of revenue, and depend on reader's donations to survive. Both are labors of love, published by women, from the northern and southern borders. Both have PayPals on their websites.
Thanks to all of you!--Brenda

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