Wednesday, November 5, 2008

No Berlin, US/Mexico Wall of Death

No Berlin Wall … No US-Mexico Border Wall of Death!
NO Border Wall of Death!

Photo: No Texas Border Wall

Protest Nov 7, 2008, Friday Noon
Federal Building
Contact: Ruben Solis 210 378 5699 cell

SAN ANTONIO -- November 9th will be forever connected with the ‘fall’ of the Berlin Wall dividing Germany and dividing the East from the West. Protests are being held simultaneously in San Antonio, TX, El Paso, TX, and San Diego, California.
Southwest Workers Union is organizing a protest against the Border Wall of Death on Friday the 7th of November at 12:00 noon to mark the date when the Berlin Wall came down. According to Ruben Solis, “If the Berlin Wall came down then so can the Border Wall of Death”.
Che Lopez, organizer with SWU said it like this “The Bush administration has been a dismal failure, the War, the Economy and the environment so if you link the Border Wall to these failures you will conclude that this is yet but another Bush failure”. According to documentation by the Immigration office of the American Friends Service Committee in San Diego, California, over 4,000 people with names and last names have died crossing the border since 1994 in the California region alone. Today border-wide it is calculated that immigration and border patrol policies have directly lead to approximately 7,000 deaths on the US-Mexico border. The new Presidential administration has to STOP this mad policy of militarizing the US-Mexico border and make visas available to all migrant workers and allow them ‘universal’ rights accorded to all citizens.

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