Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quanah Brightman: Time for action at DQ University

It would be nice if some of the money went towards The One And Only Tribal College In CALIFORNIA: D-Q University

By Quanah Parker Brightman

Lehman L. Brightman National President of United Native Americans, Inc, Native American activists, speaks about the need to support D.Q. University:
DQU is a Best Described as a "Dog With Fleas" The Number One Issue is Accountability. The Board of Trustees has a History of Corruption. Even Now with GSA Ready to Set In and Take Back the 643 Acres of Land, No One In Indian Country Wants To Roll up their Sleeves and Help Rebuild this Sacred Place. Most People are Unaware of The Fact That DQU is The Home of The Longest Walk 1978, Which Saved ALL 389 Treaties From Being Abrogated. We Would Not Even Have Casinos' or The MONEYS That CASINOS' Bring To Our Communities Today if Not For DQU and The Longest Walk 1978. It's Sad that We Have Lost Over a BILLION ACRES OF Our Own LAND Across Turtle Island, And These Greedy Gaming Officials Here In California Don't Want To Invest In Our Peoples Decolonization. They Would Rather Control Our People With a Monthly Check To Sit On Their Butts and Drink Their Lives Away.
I Think it's Time JUSTICE is Served Out at DQU. We Must Clear DQU's Name By Serving Indian Justice. I Think it's Time "WE" The Indian Community set up an Indian Tribunal to Hold All The Peoples Who Have Hurt DQU's GOOD NAME Throughout the Year's Accountable For Their Actions. Then and Only Then Will DQU Be Able to Move Forward to a Brighter Future.
Respectfully, Quanah Parker Brightman
United Native Americans Inc.
Fighting for Natives Since 1968.
Join us at http://www.myspace.com/unitednativeamericansinc

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