Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Six days later, Pine Ridge declares disaster

Six days after the disaster, Oglala President Steele declares Pine Ridge a disaster area
KOTA Radio
Audios at: http://www.kotaradio.com/news.asp?eid=5002&ID=1221
On Monday, the Oglala Sioux Tribe president John Yellow Bird Steele declared Pine Ridge a disaster area. Hundreds there are without power and many are stranded in their own homes.In Wanblee, an emergency operation center set up at the Crazy Horse School is running on generators where 250 people have been stuck since Wednesday night.
Susan Thundershield and her 9 grandchildren have been sleeping on the gym floor for the past 5 night (audio.)
But, things aren’t much better for those able to stay in their homes, like Delane Moves Camp. (audio)
Food and water are in short supply and providing help has been a struggle, with the Red Cross making a couple of visits and volunteers from Minnesota trying to bring food on snowmobiles.
Relief worker Phyllis Wilcox said they’re desperately seeking donations. (audio)
Mount Rushmore Superintendent Gerard Baker said park service staff will deliver firewood to the area.
Note from Censored News: Please keep in mind if you donate through the Red Cross, to hold the Red Cross responsible. During Hurricane Katrina, millions of dollars in donations from Indian Nations to the US Red Cross never reached the Houma Indian Nation in Louisiana. None of it ever reached the Houmas.)

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