Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Censored Blog Radio: Western Shoshone and Paiute Protests

Censored News Radio: Western Shoshone and Paiute
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Western Shoshone and Paiute protest gold mining and cultural artifacts abuse

Today's special broadcast on Censored News Blog Radio focuses on protests in Nevada. On Saturday at Pyramid Lake, about 150 Paiutes and supporters gathered to protest where the Marina operator has held Paiutes and their cultural items "hostage."
Today in Reno at the federal courthouse, Western Shoshone protest to halt Barrick Gold mining on Mount Tenabo, as a hearing is scheduled to begin.
The show includes an interview with Carrie Dann by Larry Smith, about sacred Mount Tenabo, rebroadcast with permission from American Indian Airwaves. On the telephone with Censored News Radio, Wayne Burke, Paiute, describes the protest at Pyramid Lake to protect the cultural treasures, during the last 10 minutes of the 90 minute show.
Thanks to Pura Fe for today's "Stand Up" song. Pura Fe told Censored News, "The Female rapper is Leilani from Seattle. She's Kwaquiootle and Samoan and then the dude rapper is called "Native Prophecy" form a hip hop group named Antithesis from the Bay area. I met Antithesis during the Longest Walk Benefit concert. And the wild electric guitar solo is Danny Godinez, who is Azteca. He also helped me with the backup vocals and recorded me and my slide guitar and drum loop." http://www.purafe.com/ or www.myspace.com/purafe
Today's show includes music and audio by Janice Gardipe, Paiute/Western Shoshone, Longest Walk singers at Cahokia Mounds, Keith Secola at AIM West Reunion, Floyd Westerman, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Robbie Robertson's ''Music For Native Americans," Mary Youngblood, and a statement by Bill Means on Raymond Yellow Thunder. Thanks to Earthcycles for recordings of Janice Gardipe, Longest Walk singers and Bill Means.
Barrick, the world’s largest gold mining company, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, plans to construct and operate the mine, known as the Cortez Hills Expansion Project, said the Western Shoshone Defense Project.
The Project area is located entirely within the territory of the Western Shoshone Nation, recognized in the 1863 Treaty of Ruby Valley. The Mine would blast and excavate a new massive open pit on Mount Tenabo over 900 acres in size, with a depth of over 2,000 feet. It would include several new waste disposal and processing facilities (including a cyanide heap-leaching facility), consisting of approximately 1,577 million tons of waste rock, 53 million tons of tailings material, and 112 million tons of spent heap leach material. The Mine would include an extensive groundwater pumping system to dewater Mount Tenabo (in order to keep the open pit and mine workings dry during mining) and associated water pipelines that will transport the pumped water away from Mount Tenabo. In total, the mine would permanently destroy approximately 6,800 acres land on and around Mount Tenabo, over 90% of which is classified as federal “public” land.
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