Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pyramid Lake protest, photos by Bad Bear

Paiutes and supporters protested at Pyramid Lake as a non-Indian leasee is holding cultural items hostage. Photos by Carl "Bad Bear" Sampson, Paiute/Western Shoshone

Special thanks to cellphoneographer Carl "Bad Bear" Sampson for providing Censored News with photos and video from the Paiute protest to protect cultural items at Pyramid Lake. Paiute said Pyramid Lake Marina operator Thomas Bobella is holding them hostage or even worse. "My concern is that Mr. Bobella or members of his staff are mishandling them, damaging them or even selling them," says tribal member Wayne Burke. Quote from KOLO TV coverage at:
Bad Bear has provided Censored News with coverage on the Longest Walk northern route, Peace and Dignity Run in Arizona and now the Paiutes action to protect Pyramid Lake. Thank you!

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