Friday, January 9, 2009

Mother Earth and Father Sky Music Festival 2009

Dooda Desert Rock readies for 2009 music festival

Dear Musicians and Poets,
Photo Youth Climate Movement

If you agree that Mother Earth & Father Sky should not be desecrated, that the health of humans and the environment should not be put at risk, then please accept this invitation to join Dooda (NO) Desert Rock (DDR) and perform at the 2nd Annual Mother Earth & Father Sky Music Festival. This event is scheduled to take place at the DDR Camp in Chaco Rio, NM (35 miles SW of Farmington, NM) on April 4 & 5, 2009; however we may extend the dates to the 2nd & 3rd also, due to the many musicians that want to be a part of this festival. The sooner you let us know if you’ll be performing the better it will be for all of us. We will stop accepting entries as soon as we have a full schedule.
Dooda (NO) Desert Rock Organization is a group of indigenous residents dedicated to stopping the ill-conceived coal-burning power plant (Desert Rock Energy Project) proposed by Sithe Global, LLC corporation, Desert Rock Energy Company, LLC and Dine Power Authority. We believe economic development must not come at the expense of the health of our children, the air we breathe, our sacred land and water, and our way of life. As Navajo people, our work and dedication is centered on the Dine philosophy of Balance, Harmony, Respect and Equality. Our responsibilities are not limited to the four elements of life. We are responsible to all life that encompasses our very existence as humans. We aim to honor our fore-fathers’ teachings and wisdom against all desecrating entities, corporate intrusions, and environmental injustices.
Unfortunately, we do not have the funds to pay musicians; therefore, this is a volunteer event. We believe that our battle ground is your battle field also. We all breathe the same air, we all drink water, and we are all dependent on the precious resources of Mother Earth for our existence. Please support our mission by donating your talents to this public education event.
Please bring your own camping gear, chairs, and eating utensils. Because we will be serving food to all visitors, we appreciate any donations of food, financial contributions, or firewood for this event. All proceeds will go directly towards maintaining a strong voice against any challenge to the Dine way of life.
We thank you for your support and prayers, and we invite each and every one of you to visit our beautiful homeland to see first-hand the assault we are under and the threats we face. We look forward to meeting you at the Camp in April. Traveling together in the time of music and poetry, we will honor our ancestral home and the health of our children’s children.
May you travel in the paths of the corn pollen!
Elouise Brown, PO Box 7838, NewComb, Navajo Nation, NM, US, 87455

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