Friday, January 2, 2009

Obama's silence and Israeli ownership of General Dynamics

Update: Why is Obama silent on Israeli genocide, especially the murder of children, in Palestine? Among Obama's top supporters is James Crown, on the board of General Dynamics. General Dynamics has a long history of buying and selling weapons, including selling to Elbit Systems, Israel's Apartheid contractor. The Israeli Apartheid manufacturer Elbit purchased a General Dynamics subsidiary and now operates in Fort Worth. Globally, Elbit produces unmanned aerial vehicles, which can spy and kill, controlled by remote operators on computers. On the Southwest border, Elbit supplies unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) based at Fort Huachuca, to the US Border Patrol. Elbit, through a subcontract with Boeing, provided spy technology for the US/Mexico spy towers. Elbit provided spy technology to both Apartheid border walls of Israel and the southern border of the United States. Elbit's robot-type killing machines, including drones, are now being used throughout the world. Canada is now in the market for drones for another Apartheid border.

By Brenda Norrell

Why is President-elect Obama silent on Israel's massacre of Palestinians?
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney risked her life on the Free Gaza ship that was rammed and destroyed by Israel. McKinney said Martin Luther King, Jr., would not have been afraid.
While researching Israel's Apartheid contractor Elbit Systems, subcontracted by Boeing to build the Apartheid US/Mexico border wall, I discovered that Elbit, this Israeli Apartheid spy contractor, has a long history of financing and weapons with General Dynamics.

Elbit supplied spy technology for the dysfunctional border spy towers and was among the first to supply unmanned aerial vehicles to patrol the US/Mexico border. Elbit is Israel's leading non-governmental military contractor. ( )
It was news to me that Elbit had purchased a subsidiary of General Dynamics. The Israeli company now conducts business out of Fort Worth.
Elbit states, "We conduct most of our business in the United States through our wholly-owned subsidiary, EFW Inc. (EFW) and EFW's subsidiaries EFW was incorporated in Delaware in 1992 and is based in Fort Worth, Texas. In 1993, EFW acquired most of the assets of General Dynamics Corporations Electronics Manufacturing Center in Fort Worth, which mainly manufactured and supplied electronic components for F-16 aircraft."
Since then, EFW has expanded its activities to include the V-22 Osprey tilt rotorcraft and various helicopters and war machinery. Its customers include Lockheed Martin Corporation, the Boeing Company, United Defense LP, the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, the Israel Ministry of Defense, Gulfstream Aircraft Corporation and Bayer Pharmaceutical Company.
As already documented, one of Obama's top supporters, James S. Crown, a member of Obama's national finance committee, serves on the board of General Dynamics.
Few Americans are even aware of the cozy military contracts between the US and Israel. Fewer Americans are aware of the multi-billion dollar aid packages from the US to Israel, while Americans go hungry and homeless, with crumbling schools for their children. Even fewer Americans are aware of how the US trains, and provides weapons, for the most brutal killers in the world. Among these are the Zetas, trained to become US Special Forces, and now responsible for the bloodbath in Mexico.

The US dollars to Israel are seldom exposed in the US media.
Glenn Greenwald, writing in Salon, said, "It's the American taxpayer, with their incredibly consequential yet never-debated multi-billion-dollar aid packages to Israel, who are vital in funding this costly Israeli assault on Gaza. Just as was true for Israel's bombing of Lebanon, it's American bombs that -- with the whole world watching -- are blowing up children and mosques, along with Hamas militants, in Gaza. And it's the American veto power that, time and again, blocks any U.N. action to stop these wars."

In honor of the dying and starving Palestinians, especially the children, Obama must condemn the slaughter of civilians by Israel and show the world that he will not be influenced by the Crown family, General Dynamics, Elbit or Israel's state sponsored terrorism.

The United Nations must rise above US imperialism.

Here's the full quote from Elbit Systems website as of today:
EFW - [ ]
"We conduct most of our business in the United States through our
wholly-owned subsidiary, EFW Inc. (EFW) and EFW's subsidiaries. EFW
was incorporated in Delaware in 1992 and is based in Fort Worth,
Texas. In 1993, EFW acquired most of the assets of General Dynamics
Corporations Electronics Manufacturing Center in Fort Worth, which
mainly manufactured and supplied electronic components for F-16
aircraft. Since then, EFW has expanded its activities to a number of
additional areas involving tactical aircraft, helicopters and ground
vehicles, including programs for the V-22 Osprey tilt rotorcraft, the
Bradley A-3 fighting vehicle, the Multiple Launch Rocket System, the
Apache helicopter, the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter, the A-10 aircraft,
the C-130 transport aircraft as well as additional systems for the
F-16. EFW is involved in a number of joint projects with Elbit Systems
and with other U.S. defense companies.

"Major customers of EFW and its subsidiaries include Lockheed Martin
Corporation (Lockheed Martin), the Boeing Company (Boeing), United
Defense LP (UDLP), the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S.
Marine Corps, the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMOD), Gulfstream
Aircraft Corporation and Bayer Pharmaceutical Company."


Reference link of Obama, James Crown and General Dynamics:

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