Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Quick (and very random) Takes

Only a few hours left in this month of September, so it's time to wrap up this month with a few utterly disconnected thoughts and observations:

1. Pop quiz. What's the official Oregon state bird?
a. Great blue heron; b. Western meadowlark; c. Stellar's jay.

Correct answer: b.

So how odd was it that I saw my very first Western meadowlark, with its distinctive V-like marking on its yellow breast,* perched on a wire fence in a meadow in Klickitat County in Washington state?

*Copyright photo: Kendall W. Brown

2. Have a nice day! Not...

Around Portland, I'm used to seeing the bumper sticker "Coexist." I didn't think twice when I spotted it on a nondescript compact car (I think it was a Toyota) bearing New Mexico license plates. What did set me back was the other bumper sticker: "How about a nice cup of shut the f*** up?"

Whoa. Made me wonder what would prompt a person to essentially raise a middle finger to the world in that way. Was he trying to be funny? Is he really that crass? Just another sign of the eroding civility in this country. Made me think back to the guy in front of me in line at the grocery store. When he bent over to pick up something he'd dropped, his T-shirt rode up and there, on his lower back, in elegant script were these words: "F*** the world." Yeah, you too, buddy.

3. I've got the TV tuned to ESPN and I'm watching with glee as the Detroit Tigers are pounding the Minnesota Twins -- 7-2 in the seventh inning -- and taking another step closer to the American League's Central Division title. Given all that Michigan's largest city has been through in recent decades -- race riots, crime, illiteracy, civic corruption, horrible schools and, now, collapse of the auto industry -- it would be nice if the Tigers could bring a ray of sunshine to their beleaguered fans. Of course, even if they make the playoffs, they'll need to get past the dreaded and colossally overpaid Yankees.

I saw the Tigers in '84, the year they won their last World Series title, and have been a fan ever since. Go, Detroit!

Secakuku: Hopi are stewards of the land, despite the coup

by Alph H. Secakuku,
Sipaulovi Council Representative, Village of Sipaulovi, Second Mesa, AZ, Hopiland

Comments by Alph H. Secakuku, Sipaulovi Council Representative, Village of Sipaulovi, Second Mesa, AZ, Hopiland

It is a sad day for Hopi/Tewa people, and I am disappointed in the illegal Hopi council’s action telling the “Environmental Groups to Stay off Their Land”. The Hopi/Tewa people have always considered themselves to be the best environmentalists in the world. Our Hopi Religion teaches that we made a sacred covenant with Maasaw, our Supreme Being, to be good stewards of the Fourth World we live in today.
We, as people, all have the responsibility of being Caretakers of Mother Earth. “You care for it and take from it only what you need, and it will provide for you”.
I never thought I would see the day when being “Hopi” meant being anti-environment, pro-big corporate energy, and actually promoting pollution and global warming in favor of dollars/money.
This is the new world image of Hopi, thanks to Scott Canty, Nada Talayumptewa, Phillip Quotshytewa, Mary Felter, Ivan Sidney, Sr., and the rest of the illegally constituted Hopi Tribal Council…in essence, a coup.
We, the Hopi/Tewa people, have worked closely for many years with our allies from the environmental community to protect sacred lands from development and to stop uranium mining from poisoning our water. Water is life, therefore, it is sacred.
We will continue to work together—tribal communities and other clean energy jobs advocates—to bring green economic development to our lands that respects our air and water.
Together with our partners in the environmental community, we are working to secure long term solution to energy, health and water issues in northern Arizona by cleaning up dirty coal plants and promoting solar and wind projects on the reservations. The time to transition from dirty old coal plants to clean energy from the wind and the sun is now.
We see a positive future ahead with results like the Navajo Nation’s recent unanimous green jobs resolution and will continue to support clean energy projects with Navajo and Hopi communities. We all know that climate change is predicted to bring hotter and drier conditions to the Colorado Plateau, an area which may see even greater temperature increases than the rest of the country. This threatens our water supplies and livelihoods.
Working together to stop global warming pollution from coal-fired power plants is vital to future generations. Now is the time to look forward and plan to transition existing coal plants to cleaner power.
What is H.O.P.I.? Hopi Organizational Political Initiative (H.O.P.I.) is a united, strong, clear, organized and non-partisan voice made up of members of the Hopi/Tewa community both on and off the reservation. It is there to serve as conduit for the Hopi/Tewa people to effectively raise concerns and resolve issues that affect the Hopi/Tewa people. It promotes issues and emerging concerns primarily within the Hopi tribal government, but also with the local state and federal governments. As such, we support all political candidates who seek public office who will address the concerns of the communities. H.O.P.I.’s mission is to insure that we impact policy regarding the issue of concern and quality of life to our community and future generations. It is a “grassroots” organization composed of concerned Hopi/Tewa people.
Why do we regard the “interim Hopi government” as an illegal council? The Resolution H-007-09, enacted on December 28, 2008, established an illegal interim Hopi Tribal Government. It is an illegal council because it is not Hopi Constitutionally authorized. In effect, the illegal council enactment amended the Hopi Constitution without holding a referendum vote of the Hopi/Tewa people. Only the majority vote of the qualified voters of the Hopi Tribe can amend the Constitution of the Hopi Tribe. They must cast their ballots in accordance with Section 16 of the Indian Reorganization Act of June13, 1934, as amended. The Superintendent, Hopi Agency, BIA, has the responsibility to call the election, and must serve as a Chairman of the Election Board. After the approval of the amendments, all officers and employees of the Interior Department are ordered to abide by the provisions of the said Constitution and By-laws. The Hopi Tribal Council, even when they are legally constituted, has no authority to amend the tribal constitution. The constitution cannot be amended by a tribal resolution or an ordinance.
Therefore, based on the foregoing, all of the enactments of the illegal council are of no force and effect. As of January 1, 2009, there was no legitimate tribal council in existence. At the close-of-business on December 31, 2008, the council became defunct and could no longer operate or conduct legitimate tribal council meetings or tribal business. In reality, the council and the council appointed officers of Tribal Secretary, Sergeant-At-Arms, and Tribal Treasurer became nonfunctional.
Chairman Benjamin H. Nuvamsa and Vice-Chairman Todd Honyaoma, Sr., both resigned on December 31, 2008. Hopi Tribal Constitution, ARTICLE IV, Section 1—mandates the “Hopi Tribal Council shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Representatives from various villages.” Without a chairman and vice-chairman, there can be no constitutionally authorized council to conduct meetings.
The Hopi Bylaws, Article 1—states “The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Tribal Council…” Clearly the delegated authorities do not include designating a member of the council to be the “Presiding Officer”. In fact, it expressly forbids it. This was a form of check and balance to prevent council from taking complete control of the government as is happening now. However, the illegal council selected Phillip Quotshytewa, Sr., as a “pro tem” presiding officer to chair the illegal meetings. He is only a council representative, like me, and not an elected tribal chairman.
Furthermore, it does not take a legal expert to interpret what Article IV, Section 1 means. It simply means that no legislative sessions can be conducted in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman under the current Hopi Constitution and By-laws. The council cannot legally conduct business, appoint people to run the so-called “interim government,” expend tribal and federal funds, or accept federal grants and contracts.
ARTICLE V, Section 2—mandates that filling vacancies in the office of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman that may occur for any reason “shall be filled for the rest of the term in the same manner as those officers are ordinarily chosen.” This mandate does not allow for any discretion on the part of the council. Council has no authority to decide that it simply is not convenient to hold an election to fill the vacancies. Yet, this is precisely what they have done.
Had the illegal “interim council” not interfered in the activities of the Election Board by refusing to allow them to conduct a special election, the objective of this Article would have been fulfilled and the current vacancies of our top officials would have been filled and the people would have had new duly elected leadership in office by the first week of April 2009. This would have met the Constitutional requirement and we would already have a legitimate fully functional government. The illegal council violated the provisions of the Election Ordinance #34 by refusing to allow the Election Board to hold an election, thereby, purposely destroying the independence of the Hopi Election Board.
We have appealed to the Superintendent, Hopi Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) numerous times to intervene on behalf of the grassroots people. Mr. Wendell Honanie declined to do so by citing a BIA policy not to intervene in internal tribal affairs. We believe the Bureau officials are hiding behind the veil of “sovereignty” and “self-determination.” Yet the BIA is deeply involved in the current controversy by ignoring the illegal actions of the council and has taken a position on the side of council who are orchestrating the illegal activities.
By siding with the conspirators who have illegally taken the reigns of Hopi government, the BIA has become complicit in the overthrow of our government. By recognizing the “interim government” and the illegally appointed heads of state, the BIA, in essence, intervened in an internal tribal dispute and has, therefore, become part of the problem instead of part of the solution. This defies the federal government’s trust responsibility to the Tribe.
The rhetoric of the Resolution H-007-09 was carefully crafted to create the illusion of a legitimate justification for illegal acts. The resolution also identified Tribal Secretary, an appointed position held by Mary A. Felter, and Tribal Treasurer, an appointed position held by Russell Mockta, to jointly hold the authorities of the Chief Executive Officer of the Tribe. The illegal council used the resolution as a deliberate and illegal way of reviving outdated practices which has been formally amended or eliminated. The official organization chart of the Hopi Tribe identifies the Chairman as the Chief Executive Officer.
Not only has our government been taken away from the Hopi/Tewa people, but our court system has been corrupted. Paving the way for the overthrow of our government and occupation of the Tribal Council by those who do not respect our Constitution and laws, our own Hopi Appellate Court was systematically dismembered by the same conspirators responsible for the current broken condition of our tribal government.
These are extreme circumstances that only can be mended and fixed by the Hopi/Tewa people themselves. Let us hope and pray that the upcoming election will have positive results.

Earthcycles Live: 7th Indigenous Uranium Forum

Join us LIVE: 7th Indigenous Uranium Forum
Govinda, producer at Earthcycles,, and Brenda Norrell, publisher of Censored News, team up once again to bring you live on the web, the 7th Indigenous Uranium Forum. Winona LaDuke will join Indigenous fighting uranium mining and nuclear dumping on their lands at the gathering at Acoma Pueblo's Sky City.
Indigie Femme performs on Oct. 22, Thursday, and "The Return of Navajo Boy," will be screened on Oct. 23, Friday.
For workshop and speakers see:
If you would like to be an Earthcycles' sponsor, and help provide for travel expenses for Earthcycles, please contact Govinda at or visit his PayPal at:
Earthcycles and Censored News provided five-month live coverage of the Longest Walk northern route, Indigenous Border Summits of the Americas, Havasupai Gathering to Halt Uranium Mining in the Grand Canyon, AIM-West Reunion and more. Listen at
Radio stations around the world are urged to rebroadcast, or simultaneously broadcast, at no charge.
Indigenous Uranium Forum speakers include Lenny Foster, Dine; Honorable Chandler Sanchez, Governor, Acoma Pueblo; Honorable Ron Charlie, 2nd Lieutenant Governor, Acoma Pueblo; 30 Years of Resistance by John Redhouse and Manny Pino; 'Honoring Diana Ortiz' Woman of Acoma: Great Role Model; Charmaine White Face, Defenders of the Black Hills; Margene Bullcreek, Shoshone Paiute; Solidarity Statement: Katsumi Furitsu, Japan; Black Mesa Water Coalition; Navajos Phil Harrison and Gilbert Bedonie; Chris Peters: International Connections; Nuclear Regulatory Commission-GEIS Panelist Eric Jantz; Shonto Preparatory School 'Uranium Research,' Norman Brown; John Fogarty; Louise Bennally, Food Sovereignty; James Zion, Esq.; Taylor McKinnon, Center for Biological Diversity; Laura Watchempino, Acoma Multi-Cultural Alliance for a Safe Environment; Nadine Padilla; Larry King; Petuuche Gilbert; Teddy Nez; Carletta Garcia; Al Waconda; Elsie Peshlakai; Robert Tohe; Winona LaDuke, Anishanabe, White Earth Homelands and more ...

Vamos ter clássicas...

[adriana lima]


Reporter's Notebook: In the beginning

Reporter's Notebook
Brenda Norrell, Censored News,
In the beginning, there was Michoacan. We arrived by buses from the border, with the Yaqui and Mayo from Sonora and Sinoloa. There was a heavy fog in the mountains of Michoacan, as the National Indigenous Congress gathered. A man in his twenties from Guerrero with one leg came aboard our bus. He was very thin and said there was little to eat in his home state of Guerrero, where logging companies and oppression were intense. He hopped everywhere he went. He served on security on the Zapatistas caravan across Mexico. He was one of the bravest men I've ever known. The Zapatistas caravan across Mexico was one of the best things I've ever know.
Photo two: Riley, Choctaw AIM member from Oklahoma, and Demetria Martinez, award winning author of 'Mother Tongue,' among those protesting NAFTA in Tucson in the beginning. In her book Mother Tongue, Martinez, once arrested as she documented the Sanctuary Movement at the border, tells of the real struggle of Indigenous fleeing torture in Central America.
Photo three: In memory of Willie Lonewolf, on the Longest Walk 2008, at the Ute Indian Museum in southern Colorado. Keep singing.
Photos by Brenda Norrell

Vamos ter Biclas !


Super heroes: Natives protecting the land

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Congratulations today goes out to all the Native Americans and their colleagues protecting the land from coal mines, power plants and other destructive forces.
The sudden increase in attacks in the media, phone taps and fear tactics, shows the efforts for good are producing results. The corporations, and their puppets within tribal councils, have increased their attacks.
Today's attacks bring back the memory of an interview with Hopi Dan Evehema at the age of 104 at his home on Hopiland. Dan Evehema was protesting destruction to the land by a backhoe in the rain, when he paused on his couch. He told me of the traditional Hopi Sinom. He said they never authorized or recognized the Hopi Tribal Council. The traditional Hopi stood firm against coal mining and power plants. The traditional Hopi elders stood in solidarity with Navajos at Big Mountain and throughout Black Mesa.
Now, from the northern border to the southern border, American Indians struggling to protect their lands and true sovereignty are under attack, losing their jobs and everything they have in their struggles.
Today, the media has been coopted. Most news reporters know when they are giving voice to lies. They do it to keep getting a paycheck.
However, those who promote the destruction of the land, air and water, with the knowledge that they are promoting lies, are responsible. Those who promote the lies of politicians to continue the death and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan are also responsible.
These news reporters, publishers and producers are responsible for the diseases and deaths when they act against the dictates of their own true self, in violation of their own knowledge of truth.
Censored News celebrates all of you who are struggling for justice and dignity, against the oppression of colonizers and colonized thought.
We celebrate all of you out there, fighting the good fight. You know who you are.

--Brenda Norrell

A Different Look

Um olhar diferente para a beleza das duas rodas...


[drew barrymore]

Girls and Bikes
What else can a poor worker ask ?

Chiapas: Indigenous achieve mining closure

Indigenous Peoples achieve closure of mining operations in Chiapas
Chiapas, Mexico
September 28, 2009
The Canadian mining company Linear Gold Corp. bowed to pressure from the Indigenous Peoples who opposed the exploitation of gold and silver deposits and announced the closure of its offices in the state on September 30th. Along with the company Blackfire Exploration Corporation, Linear Gold Corp., is holding most of the concessions granted by the federal government to foreign mining in the state of Chiapas.Source: Apro and

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

World Kickoff Event: Gandhi at the Ferry

Friday October 2nd, 2009 - 5 pm-7 pm
Please Join Us To Celebrate The World March For Peace And Nonviolence Kick-Off At the Gandhi Statue in front of the Golden Gate Ferry Terminal at the Bottom of Market Street in San Francisco

October 2nd is Gandhi's birthday, the United Nations International Day of Nonviolence and the very 1st Day of the World March which will start in Wellington, New Zealand, making mile 1 of a 99,000 mile journey. Please join us for a celebration at Gandhi's Salt March Statue, Pier One, on the Bay Bridge side of the Ferry Building in San Francisco. Cultural/music performances by Mokai, Youth Poetry and the Tibetan Association of Northern California. Guest speakers include: Nancy Merrit, The Northern California Campaign for a US Department of Peace. Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation. Dechen Tsering of TANC - Tibetan Association. Dolores Perez, Peace organizer for the Unitarian Universalist Church of San Francisco. Rev. Andre Shumake, Richmond Improvement Assocation. Professor Lehman Brightman of United Native Americans
The afternoon will end in candlelight vigil to wish a safe journey to our world marchers for peace! Six candles will be lit for the six continents that the World March will visit and pass through.
Saturday October 3, 2009
Harvest Picnic For Peace William Land Park, 3800 S. Land Park Drive, Picnic Area #GA21, Sacramento -- 1pm to 4:30 pm
Get to know other local and regional peace builders. Organized by the Northern California Campaign for a US Dept. of Peace. Friends and organizers of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence will also be there and are co-sponsoring this event. Please bring food, drink, musical instruments, friends and family. For more information, contact Trudi Richards at 530-757-7576
Sunday October 4th, 2009 - 1 pm
Noam Chomsky
Crisis And Hope In The Age Of Obama
First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco
1187 Franklin Street, corner Geary, In the Sanctuary
Noted linguist, author, and political analyst on U.S. Foreign Policy - Iraq, Afghanistan and Latin America and the U.S. economy. In dialog with activists who really think globally and act locally.
Participating: David Bacon, Author, Journalist, Antonia Juhasz, Author, Director of the Chevron Program at Global Exchange. Steve Williams, Co-Director, People organized to win employment rights (POWER)
Sponsored by UUs for Peace-SF and School of the Americas Watch-SF. Proceeds benefit the educational programs of the sponsors. Wheelchair accessible, seating is first come first served.
Admission $20, Seniors and Students $15, Sliding scale upon request.To purchase tickets, see

Glen Cove Shellmound Spiritual Walk

Please click on poster to enlarge

Hopi Foundation honors Fabri for work with torture survivors

The Hopi Foundation, with a center focused on the treatment and prevention of torture in Tucson, honors Dr. Mary Fabri for work with survivors of torture

By Hopi Foundation

KYKOTSMOVI, Ariz. - The Hopi Foundation announced that Dr. Mary Fabri of Chicago, Illinois will receive the 2009 Barbara Chester Award for her work with survivors of torture. The award will be presented at a formal ceremony in Flagstaff, on Oct. 3.
"In keeping with The Hopi Foundation's mission to promote traditional values of stewardship and care for all of life, we are pleased to honor the healing work of Mary Fabri," said Barbara Poley, executive director of The Hopi Foundation.
Fabri has worked on the frontiers of human compassion and commitment for and with torture survivors. Besides her outstanding clinical work, Fabri has made significant contributions as a co-founding clinical member of the Heartland Alliance Marjorie Kovler Center, the torture treatment program in Chicago, serving as president of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs, clinically administering the Bosnian Mental Health Program, and being an advocate and trainer in the field of torture treatment.

Over the years, Fabri has contributed significantly to efforts to provide mental health treatment to survivors in Guatemala, Haiti, Rwanda, Iraq, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The scope of her efforts on-site in the international arena have greatly broadened individual and community therapeutic capabilities, reflecting innovative approaches, and have touched the lives of many. The award consists of a $10,000 prize and a Hopi hand-crafted silver eagle feather sculpture.
The award was established in 1999 to honor the life and work of Dr. Barbara Chester who helped pioneer the fields of torture treatment and sexual assault.
Requests for nominations for the award are sent to over 500 torture treatment centers and human rights organizations around the world. A diverse selection committee then evaluates nominations.For more information about the Barbara Chester Award, please refer to

The Hopi Foundation's programs include the Center for the Prevention and Resolution of Violence in Tucson
The Center for the Prevention and Resolution of Violence
Established in 1997, a center located in Tucson, Arizona which provides social, legal and educational services to refugees who are victims of torture. Owl & Panther Youth Project -- an anti-violence prevention project initiated the “Writing from the Darkness Project” which is a special creative writing, counseling program for at-risk children affected by torture, traumatic dislocation, refugee status or other family factors.

About the Hopi Foundation
The Hopi Foundation is a 501-(c) 3 non-profit organization incorporated in 1987. Its mission is to meet the charitable needs of the Hopi through grants, technical assistance and other services to villages and nonprofit organizations serving Hopi.For more information, visit

My name is Yesenia Sotelo and I work with Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights. Thank you for writing about our Kovler center ( We could really use your help in the next few weeks.

This year was hard for many of the people we work with. Parents lost jobs, families lost homes, many fell into poverty, all while funds for services in city and state budgets were reduced and sometimes completely eliminated. But at Heartland Alliance, budget cuts haven’t stopped our work, we’re still providing help to people who need a home, or a doctor, or protection from harm.

However, we need support to provide these services and I hope that you can help. Can you post to Censored News about our Hope for a Hurting World gift catalog? People can buy gifts for each other from the gift catalog, and all of the proceeds go to providing services for the people in our community who need our help right now.

You can check out the gift catalog online at There are great gifts, including things like winter outerwear for a child, health care for a homeless person, or job skills training for parents. I’m really proud of the work Heartland Alliance does, and I hope others can be a part of giving back at the holidays.

I’ve attached a couple of images that you can use on your blog. You can also check out some videos of the people we work with at Please let me know if you have any questions. I really appreciate your help.


Yesenia Sotelo
Manager of Interactive and New Media
Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights
208 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 1818
Chicago, IL 60604

Ben Carnes: In the spirit of total resistance

Open Letter to my Brother, Wanbli and to everyone:
By Ben Carnes, Choctaw
Censored News
Sept. 28, 2009
Thanks so much for all that you have done. I know that we have discussed this, and I support you in your decision brother. You came in and did one hell of a remarkable job, there is no one who has a thing to say about the effort and time you gave.
I also completely understand about having the freedom to speak without repercussion to the committee or Leonard. I was in that same position after our 1999 campaign, and I wrote Leonard a letter designed to get me fired, and proceeded to prepare for an action that would have guaranteed to create worldwide publicity as never seen before. However, I was later advised that there was something working with the White House, so I stood down and called off my action.
When Clinton left the White House without signing clemency, and the details were revealed to me later, I was severely disappointed that I had not followed through. The thought about the government keeping its promises to Native people -- is that it never has and why should Clinton be any different. Or Obama for that matter.
As we have discussed Wanbli, I feel the need to come from a broader approach to help not only Leonard, but Native people and others as well. It is time that we take destiny in our own hands, in a dignified manner, and let this occupying government know that we are done with being patronized, being mislead/lied to, and being used for photo ops!
Years ago, Bill Means said that in order to free the land; we must first free our minds! There is so much truth in this. We cannot go on expecting the government to do anything righteous for us, without us setting the course of action. The first step to freeing the minds is that everyone must remember that as Indigenous peoples of this hemisphere, WE HAVE NO BORDERS! The Indigenous peoples to the north and South of us are our relatives; we all speak a colonial language whether it is English, Spanish or French! Our strength is in our numbers, and those numbers can capture the attention of the world if we can come together and move forward on a hemispheric strike.
Can we organize such a strike to shut this hemisphere down? Can we shut down major transportation hubs, public utilities and can we count upon our non-Native allies to join us in this strike. It is a major sacrifice to us all if no one works, and we spend a week occupying major transportation hubs so commerce is disrupted!
It has been said that we will never get their attention until we hit them in their pocketbook. Well, it is time to see if we can amass the numbers to make this happen. It will take organization and massive coordination in different languages.
I can imagine what the governments response will be, a police/military one. Will they designate me as a terrorist because I am speaking about this and encouraging the thought so that we can achieve justice? Justice for Peltier, the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) whose kingdom has been suppressed by the US, and the failure of the US to honor its treaties, etc.?
This government has never dealt honorably with us, and I doubt they will now. If they fear we will succeed in our efforts, they will call the tribal councils for a summit meeting to "resolve" the claims. The tribal council systems are an entity set up by the government. It is not a representation of the traditional governments that still exists.
I would like to see that the traditional leaders, headmen, clan mothers and spiritual leaders consulted and have input. These tribal council systems need to dissolve and we began exercising our sovereignty as an Independent nation and move toward reclaiming our territories.
When the term, "The Great White Father in Washington" first arose, it was a term of respect from one Chief to another. In modern times, it has become a derisive term meaning a thief and liar. Before I went to DC to do my personal fast and prayer, I wrote the comment on FB that I was going to Washington to see the Great Black father and I wasn't taking any crumbs. Someone felt it was in ill form, I looked at it and saw that for the first time in over two hundred years this term has changed, and will the actions of "the Great Black father" be any different? It was a question. I think we now have our answer. We cannot wait until the end of his term, like Clinton asked us, because Leonard shouldn’t have to wait that long!
In this year, we supposedly have been told through a contact that Obama was going to do something, but every time the time frame promised came and went, we were given another excuse why something didn't happen. So did Obama lie to stall us, or was someone yanking our chain? It doesn’t matter now, something has been set into motion.
Everyday Leonard sits in prison for an unjust conviction is a day he will never get to spend with his family. It is another day that we cannot get the support for a major congressional investigation to look at the FBI's Counterintelligence program that attacked so many organizations, and it was also the FBI who set up Coler and Williams on that day in Oglala. Their families need to hear the truth! Not the lies and propaganda by the ilk of Woods, Sennetts and the Trimbachs, including other members of the FBI.
It was two young boys with squirrel rifles that unintentionally foiled their raid on the AIM camp at Oglala, by cutting off their reinforcements. It was never a pursuit for Jimmy Eagle and a pair of cowboy boots. Not when they never actively investigated the murders of the traditionals or the AIM members. There is no way they can convince me that a pair of used cowboy boots was more important than the lives of the women and children who were murdered.
With the series of federal/state trials in the murder of Anna Mae Aquash, there will be mudslinging against Peltier, his attorney Ellison, and other members of AIM. Some former members of AIM will join the government in pointing fingers. There is something wrong when an individual who stood against a common enemy, joins them and then helps to prosecute and convict them.
What will be lacking is the name of former Special Agent David Price who told Anna Mae that she would be dead within a year if she didn't cooperate in implicating Peltier and others in the deaths of the agents. When they found Anna Mae's body, people saw Agent Price at the scene. When they asked if they could identify the body, they were told the body was too badly decomposed to be recognizable. So "Jane Doe’s" hands were cut off from her body (mutilation) to be sent to DC for fingerprinting.
It wasn't until Ellison moved for an independent pathology because they had reason to suspect the Jane Doe was Anna Mae, that they discovered the body was still recognizable as Anna Mae. David Price knew who the Jane Doe was, but they attempted a cover-up.
The feds have always attacked the women. I've heard from a few female supporters this year that believed they have been assaulted because of their support for Peltier. David Hill has been under constant surveillance and followed all over the country, and as everyone knows, I had been facing trial, but since they never had a case, it was dismissed in July.
My prayer in DC has been one of what is it going to take to free Peltier? The answer is that it is going to require a broader approach on a wholly different level.
I was reminded about the time I went to Columbia and met with the Indigenous peoples there. They told me that they needed our support because all the policies that affected them negatively came from Washington, DC.
So when we say we are the caretakers of the land and we call everyone our relatives, but do nothing on a significant level to help them, what does that say about us? Are we just talking?
There is another generation behind us who say they want to revive AIM. I say let it die. It is a new energy and direction that needs to set course. We need this without the baggage and differences that exists.
The government in the 1924 American Indian Citizenship Act confiscated our identity as Native People -- First Nations People, then a few years later the Ft. Sill Apaches were granted a Presidential Pardon since it was not inherent in the 1924 Act.
Technically, we remain Prisoners Of War and are born into captivity. I did not ask to be an American whose history has been one of genocide and theft of our lands and continued oppression of the people. I have no representatives who speak for me or the people in DC. It is a fallacy that we have endured and attempted to work with, but now it must end.
What is the plan you ask? First, each First Nation people who hears and reads this must decide if this is what they need to do and begin discussion with their traditional leaders, only they have the right to speak and deliberate for their selves. If they are in general agreement, then it is time to meet in a great council, I would be willing to host on my land here.
We would need to extend the invitation to all Indigenous peoples from this hemisphere to attend because they have a voice also. When we can reach a consensus, then we set up on the Mall in DC with a notice sent to the President and Congress that we are coming for a meeting. Since Tipi's are transportable, we can set up a major encampment on the mall and establish an area for this government to meet with us.
The historic presence of thousands of Tipi's on the Mall will have the attention of the world to see if this government is ready to deal honorably with us. One of the first points to be presented, to see if the government is prepared to acknowledge our rightful place in this hemisphere, is the immediate release of Leonard Peltier as a symbol of good faith. Leonard must not be a sacrificial lamb, not when millions of us have put so much into this. And that will be just the beginning to rectify years of dishonor by the U.S. government.
The rent has come due and the course of history must change. I know that when Obama made his campaign promises, he never expected this to arise. I know that he has other things on his mind, but we have been waiting for fairness and respect for 233 years!
We should also remind him that the White House sits upon the traditional lands of the Piscataway Indian Nation and that he never even considered asking traditional Chief William "Redwing" Tayac to welcome him. I sent word through a few of Obama’s campaign people – again, no sign of respect.
If they fail to meet or attempt to patronize us, then we must exercise our free will to create a just and fair society. We have to make change, we cannot continue to ask the government to do so for us. They never have and never will, so it is time they put aside world affairs and listen to us and act accordingly. The First Nations should also have a say and vote on how this country deals with others, and begin to restore the freedoms we have surrendered through our overall silence over the past 30 - 40 years.
There is much to do, and I call upon many others who we have known that have stood for Leonard to take his place and for others to come and take my place. I will not resign until I have someone capable to help Leonard and Kari in the office. The work I have set out will occupy quite a bit of my time, and it will be difficult for me to do both.
Just the work I've done for Leonard has set me way behind in land payments, my willing sacrifice for my brother has forced me to send my family to my in-laws for their safety and well-being. It has caused friends to become frightened of what the government "might" do to me to move away from associating with me so that they will believe they will be out of harms way "IF" it happens. That is their choice and their own free will. I do not demand anyone to sacrifice for Leonard or to help support me while I do this work. It has to come from people's own free will that believe in what I do.
I am not a non-profit so I cannot offer anyone a tax-deductions, nor do I want to be a NPO. Yet, I do appreciate the support that feeds me, keeps fuel in my vehicle, and whatever comes to help me keep the land I have. Others are stepping forward to do what they can to help me create a home or shelter for the coming winter. I currently live in a RV that needs some repairs to be fully functional, but it isn't going to be sufficient to keep me warm in the winter.
I've had a few critics who have attempted to discredit me and criticize me for who I am, even to the extent to say I wasn’t Indian! I expect they will begin again from this message. If they have a complaint, then they better look at what they have done for Leonard or other Indian people than sit safely behind their computer screens and spread misinformation. Who are they really, and what have they done, except point fingers? What real sacrifices have they made? Are they helping to get the word out about what is going on at Akwesasne, the missing and murdered women in Klanada, or showing support to other Native prisoners? I don’t see it.
I carry a belief that the Creator will care for my family and myself, including the visions I have for the land I live on, and if I need to ask for help, and they want to criticize, then everyone will know them for what they are.
The Creator moves people to send me a few dollars here and there, and at times it has been just enough to get by. For what needs to be done, I will begin to need more help and support from many, I would also need some assistance from attorneys and bookkeepers if they will offer their services. I’ll need help with answering correspondences, logistics, and translations, along with much more.
I need to get this land paid off so it can be placed safely into a trust and to find good hearted people who may want to live here and help with organizing this hemispheric effort to change history. People who can be trusted and can work together. This land needs to be a gathering place for what needs to be done and I’ll need help.
There is a sense of urgency here because I would hate to think about what would happen if Leonard were to die in prison. I saw the rage and frustration when his parole denial was made public; I was greatly concerned for many of you when I saw what you wrote. Be careful; don't give them the tools they need to take you away from us.
I've believed the mass raids by ICE a few years ago were an exercise in coordination to see how efficiently they can move to arrest people. I am sure all of our names are on a list, and they can scoop up a lot of us overnight so that by sun rise there may not be enough of us left to mount a significant protest.
We all have families that need us, and some of us have the safety of friends and families. You know my family is away safe, and I live alone here in the mountains, but I had to say what I have because I haven't seen or heard anyone else say it. And someone needed to.
I believe our time is now and we need to spread the word to as many people as possible, because there is no way in hell I can do this by myself!
I am speaking for myself, not as a representative of the LPDOC or any organization or other First Nations, but this is from my heart and from my years of experiences that indicate it has come to this. We cannot free Peltier as a singular issue, we need to bring it all together. If we can grow our numbers quickly, it can assure our safety for the time being. The LPDOC is a non-profit, and our association in an official capacity can be a hindrance through what Wanbli has to do, and what I need to do. We are not quitting on Leonard, we are just going to step it up by having the freedom to speak truthfully.
In the Spirit of Total Resistance,
Ben Carnes
P.O. Box 88
Gardner, CO 81040

AIM West: 517 Years of Indigenous Resistance

Public is welcome

AIM-WEST Presents
"517 Years of Indigenous Peoples’ Resistance to Colonization in the Americas-1492-2009”
Dia De La Raza

A benefit to bring attention to those who sacrifice daily for our Mother Earth; we are the memory of our ancestors.
Grandfather, I want my people to live. Lakota prayer
When: Monday, October 12, 2009
Where: Inter-Tribal Friendship House, 523 International Boulevard, Oakland (near Lake Merritt BART Station).
Time: 6 – 9:30 pm (film 7:15)
The event benefit’s AIM-WEST Annual Summit, scheduled November 23-27, in San Francisco (check website).
A selected film presents “Longest Walk-1978” with cast of familiar faces including the legendry Bill Wahpepah, Dick Gregory, Paul Owns Sabre, John Trudell, Ron Dellums, Phillip Deer, and Lehman Brightman, a must see, very historical. A short clip will be shown of the Mascot demonstration protest recently at Oakland Coliseum.
M.C. Jimbo Simmons of AIM, and Mary Jean Robertson, DJ of KPOO Radio 89.5 FM in San Francisco!
With special guests, local entertainment, Drummers, dancers, with traditional Mexicas, are welcome.
Guest speakers include Prof. Lehman Brightman, and Ms. Carol Wahpepah, Director, Inter-tribal Friendship House in Oakland.
A raffle, prizes, food and refreshments (bring your favorites to share!)
COVER CHARGE at the door $ 5.00 Kids under ten years free, no one turned away.
Event is co-sponsored by Inter-Tribal Friendship House 510-452-1235
*The event will be announced on KPFA Radio 94.1 FM and on “The Rock” during the Annual Sun Rise Gathering, on October 12TH.
The Public is invited!
For more information please call: 415-577-1492

Monday, September 28, 2009

What if no one died?

Can you imagine living in a country where one day, out of the blue, people simply stopped dying?

Would you initially think that was a good thing? That you'd never have to say goodbye to your loved ones? And that you, yourself, could look forward to eternal life?

But what if the reality of that set in and you began contemplating other scenarios: How would morticians, gravediggers and coffin-makers earn a living? What would you do with a worthless life insurance policy? As the population aged, leaving a diminishing cohort of younger workers, how would the government meet the financial and health care needs of its people? How would the church justify itself in the absence of the hereafter?

What if you reached the point of desperation where the burden of caring for near-dead relatives who simply did not expire became too much? Could you imagine the criminal element offering -- for a price, of course -- to transport those sickly relatives across the border and disposing of them in an adjoining country, where people continued to die? Would you be surprised at the pushback from that neighboring country?

These are among the many provocative questions raised in José Saramago's new book, "Death With Interruptions."

I picked it up on a whim at a local bookstore, having read -- and loved -- his book "The Double," which is about the complications that ensue when a divorced, depressed school teacher spots his exact double on a video and decide to pursue him.

Saramago, if you don't know him, is a Portuguese novelist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998. The New York Times Magazine profiled him in 2007 in a piece called "The Unexpected Fantasist," noting that he's an atheist and a hard-line member of his country's Communist Party. His work has been compared to that of fellow Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Saramago, 87 years old, is prone to extraordinarily long sentences that go on and on because he routinely uses commas in place of periods and favors lower-case instead of upper-case for proper names. Once you get used to him, though, you appreciate his brilliance.

If you're creeped out by my brief description above, it's best to move on and read something else. If, on the other hand, you're intrigued by the moral questions raised by such a scenario, this book (238 pages) might be worth your time. Without giving anything away, I can tell you a patient reader will be rewarded as the second half of the book develops, wherein death (Death with a small "d") takes on the human form of a female and confronts her own thoughts and feelings on fate, death and love.

Tony Gonzales: Redskins is our 'N' word

To: Mr. Al Saracevic,
San Francisco Chronicle Sports Editor

By Tony Gonzales
AIM West

I thank you, and Mr. Scott Ostler of Sunday Punch sports section for today’s article, which I consider it a follow-up to Ms. Knapp’s coverage of Atlanta Braves game in the CITY last May, concerning the mascot issue.

Your article is timely and appropriate which also gives the American Indian community a reprieve from a big societal wrong. As you are aware the campaign for change, and addressing mascots in sports, has a history and goes to the heart and opportunity, of having to report another form of institutionalized racism.

We, the first peoples of this continent, deserve much more than having negative images of our peoples’ and culture rendered to a form of mere entertainment. How can our treaties with the U.S. Government be taken seriously?

Indians are people not mascots! Often times when we protest this outrages practice at stadiums and coliseums, such as we did on September 19, 2009 in Oakland against the Cleveland Indians (A’s won!) the public would ask “But it doesn’t hurt anyone, so why bother changing it?”

This is a common misconception. These stereotypes and caricatures hurt both Indians and non-Indians alike. The impact these images have on Indian Peoples can be quite serious, particularly to the young. Non-Indians might feel quite differently about this subject, if the only images their children had to identify with in the society around them were stereotypes and caricatures. This can seriously damage their self-esteem and their ability to succeed in the world.

Also, Indian children, like any others are taught to respect their parents and to emulate their culture, traditions and values. However, it can be very confusing for young people to see their parents and their culture being mimicked and lampooned.

As a result of the ways in which Indian culture is denigrated, American Indians suffer from the highest rate of teenage suicide, school drop-out rates, alcohol and drug addiction and health care problems. As for non-Indians, the worst thing is that continuous association of Indians with these stereotypes, can encourage an unreal idea of who Indians are.

This can lead to a refusal to accept real Indians and their culture.

In addition, the power of these stereotypes can also cause non-Indians to be misled or duped by unscrupulous people who “dress up” in buckskin and feathers in order to fool non-Indians. Often, these imposters engage in such fraudulent activity in order to deceive the public and separate naive individuals from their money!

Finally, and in this regard, I recommend give recognition to an American Indian considered the greatest ball player of his time, and is in the Hall of Fame; and first to break the color barrier for all peoples, not just blacks like Jackie Robinson did for his peoples but none other than Charles Albert Bender of the Ojibwe Nation (1884-1954). He was a pitcher in major league baseball during the first two decades of the 20th Century. Now there is another great story in the annals of baseball in America.

Thank’s again and a big AJO to y’all!!
Go Giants!
Antonio Gonzales
AIM-WEST 415-577-1492

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy birthday, Lori

Sleep in late, wake up to fresh mountain air, go for a morning hike. Eat a casual lunch at a roadhouse restaurant that's been around since 1932, have a leisurely drive home while looking out the window at the spectacular Columbia River Gorge. Open a few birthday cards, indulge in a light dessert and head off to bed early.

What could be more low-key than that?

It was Lori's day today and I know she appreciated the chance to just kick back this weekend. Our overnight visit to Mt. Adams Lodge turned out to be just the tonic to cope with the stresses that come from trying to balance so many balls -- work, home, networking, planning for a wedding shower and the wedding itself.

We stayed in a log cabin with a big porch that looked out to the trees where we did our hiking. We made friends with the resident kitty, a silky black mouser named Nikki. We drove into Hood River for a delicious meal at Nora's Table and walked around downtown afterwards. But, mostly, we just chilled, courtesy of lodge proprietors Julee Wasserman and Tim Johnson.

The main photo is of the pond on the 80-acre Flying L Ranch where the Mt. Adams Lodge is located, just outside Glenwood, Wash. The secondary photo is of Mt. Adams, taken from the parking lot of Glenwood High School.

We're glad we discovered this little gem. Hope to return again sometime.

Desert Rock: Air permit sent back to EPA

September 25, 2009
Contact: Elouise Brown, Dooda (NO) Desert Rock Committee
President, (505) 947-6159 (505) 947-6159


“We are relieved to hear that the US EPA Environmental Appeals Board finally granted the agency’s request to take back the clean air permit for the failed Desert Rock Power Plant. It confirms our position that the initial permit grant was ill-considered and premature,” said Elouise Brown, President of Dooda Desert Rock. The organization, a grassroots Navajo effort to block a third coal-fired power plant in the Four Corners area, continues to resist and have a very active encampment for almost three years.

“The appeals board decision confirms our belief, echoed in the British news magazine The Economist, that Desert Rock is dead. Recent efforts in Congress to freeze the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to deal with carbon dioxide as a pollutant shows that Big Coal also recognizes that polluting energy is on its way out. We have a specific reason for gratitude at the return of the permit,” Brown said.

“When the air permit was initially under consideration the San Francisco Region 9 US EPA office found a study that indicates that the two existing power plants are adversely affecting the health of Navajos in the Shiprock Area. Cold weather and the Hogback formation pull pollution down into Shiprock and that causes Navajos to seek medical treatment for respiratory illness at rates far higher than the rest of the population in the Four Corners area. Children and the elderly are affected at a rate of ten times the rest of the population. The EPA warned the Bureau of Indian Affairs about the situation and told it to act, but it did nothing. We want something done about existing health risks now.”

“While we believe that the power plant is dead, the debate continues. There are many issues to address, including the fact that ordinary Navajos would get no economic benefit from the plant because local infrastructure was ignored in planning. At minimum, we want the health issue addressed first, and in a way that satisfies us that the health of Navajos is being protected. If anyone doubts what is going on in Shiprock, just drive north toward Shiprock on a cold day.”

Air Permit for Coal Power Plant on Navajo Land Sent Back to EPA
SAN FRANCISCO, California, September 25, 2009 (ENS) - The contested air permit for the Sithe Global Desert Rock coal-fired power plant on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico today was sent back to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for additional analysis.
The EPA's Environmental Appeals Board remanded the air permit back to the agency due to deficiencies in the permit's environmental and technological analyses.
"We firmly believe that the EPA has accepted and acknowledged their responsibilities to evaluate Desert Rock under the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act," said Janette Brimmer with Earthjustice in Seattle, a nonprofit environmental law firm representing several groups that contested the permit, including Dine' Care and the San Juan Citizens Alliance.
Site of the proposed Desert Rock Energy Project (Photo courtesy Sithe Global)
The Desert Rock Energy Project is a proposed 1,500 megawatt mine mouth coal-fired electric power plant located 25 miles southwest of Farmington, New Mexico in San Juan County.
The appellant groups claimed inadequate analysis of Desert Rock's emissions of particulate matter, mercury, ozone precursor, and the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, and failure to consult with wildlife agencies regarding potential impacts on endangered species.
If built, the environmentalists warn that the coal plant would be the nation's sixth largest emitter of carbon dioxide.
"Desert Rock would add another 12.7 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year and raise ozone levels in the area that are already at or near national ambient air quality standard limits," the groups maintain.
"We are especially pleased that EPA will correct the hasty and inadequate review of impacts to endangered species." Brimmer said. "Given this remand, we now have a chance to ensure that EPA fully complies with all legal requirements and properly applies good science in order to fully protect the air and all the residents of this beautiful region of the county."
Despite objections from other federal agencies, the states of Colorado and New Mexico, local governments, Navajo tribal members and citizen groups, EPA Region 9 last year issued an air quality permit for construction of the Desert Rock Energy Facility.
The appeal was filed in August 2008 with the Environmental Appeals Board in Washington, DC.
The EPA Region 9 office in San Francisco is the permitting authority because the proposed power plant would be sited on tribal land and the Navajo Nation lacks an approved tribal Prevention of Significant Deterioration, or PSD, permitting program. PSD permits are for construction projects that may significantly increase air pollution emissions.
In a rare move, EPA Region 9 requested that the Environmental Appeals Board voluntarily remand the permit, before the Board had fully reviewed the appeal.
The Environmental Appeals Board today granted that request. In addition, the EAB remanded the permit on the grounds that the best available control technology standard had not been applied before EPA Region 9 granted the air permit.
"The Region abused its discretion in declining to consider integrated gasification combined cycle as a potential control technology" even though the applicant, Sithe Global, had suggested this technology be used to control air emissions, the Board ruled.
Sithe Global claims that Desert Rock is "expected to have the lowest emissions rate of any coal-fired power plant in the US."
The estimated $4 billion investment will spur economic development for the Navajo Nation, the company says, pointing to the fact that the project was developed jointly with the Dine Power Authority.
But the Environmental Appeals Board rejected the arguments of the Dine Power Authority, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity and Desert Rock that the appellant groups had asked for the remand "in bad faith" and also rejected their claims that EPA Region 9 denied Desert Rock equal protection under the law.
Today's decision to officially remand the permit brought praise from the appellant groups.
"We've been saying for a long time that the Desert Rock permit process was flawed from the start due to existing adverse environmental and human public health conditions," said Lori Goodman with Dine Care.
"This situation would be worsened by the addition of Desert Rock," said Goodman. "We are thankful that EPA has now stepped up to uphold the law and look out for the health of the people of the Four Corners Region, including the Navajo Nation."
"This is a coal plant that should never be built," said Mike Eisenfeld with the San Juan Citizens Alliance. "It's time for Sithe Global to consider some of their expertise in siting renewable energy in the region rather than continuing to bankroll the Desert Rock project that has insurmountable issues."
The permit's deficiencies were described to the EPA in more than 1,000 comments submitted by other federal agencies, state and local governments, tribal members and organizations, and other citizen groups.
Critics of the plant say its emissions would worsen respiratory disease. They warn that burning coal at the Desert Rock Energy Facility would add to the high levels of mercury in local rivers and lakes, many of which are already subject to fish consumption advisories. Mercury is a neurotoxin that can harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs and immune systems of people of all ages.
Sithe Global claims that, "Using the most effective technology available, the project will be able to control over 90 percent of NOx emissions, 98 percent of SO2 emissions, and 80 percent of the mercury emissions."
Copyright Environment News Service, ENS, 2009. All rights reserved.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Listen: Haskell Students Go To Palestine

Red Town Radio:
Guest: Jodi Voice, Marei Spaola and Melissa Franklin Topics: Students from: Haskell Indian Nations University visited refugee camps in Palestine and will share with us what they learned. From JoJo: Show some love fam. My trip to Palestine was precious to say the least. I will share some reason as to why I went, about our group 7thGIV (7th Generation Indigenous Visionaries), and about the wonderful beautiful people there that couldn't wait to learn Please support the following pages: Jodi Voice,
The main partners in the delegation are SNAG (Seventh Native American Generation), a grassroots collective that publishes a magazine produced by young Natives across the Americas, Huaxtec, a community-based group that organizes around Xicana issues in the Bay Area, and Seventh Generation Indigenous Visionaries, a newly formed group of students from Haskell Indian Nations University in Kansas and Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) are providing logistical and organizational support. To read more of the trip go to:
Please consider making a donation to 7thGIV expenses by sending a check to MECA c/o 7thGIV, 1101 8th Street, Suite 100, Berkeley, CA 94710. You can make an online contribution on the MECA web site.

A double celebration

Three weeks ago, we observed our 34th anniversary. This weekend, we celebrate it. We're headed -- no, not to Chicago, despite the above photo -- but to Mt. Adams Lodge at the Flying L Ranch. It's roughly 90 miles east of Portland in the Columbia River Gorge on the Washington state side.

We'll arrive in the early afternoon and just hang out, with a little time set aside for hiking. We'll go into Hood River for dinner, then head back and settle in for the evening.

When we wake up Sunday, it will be Lori's birthday. So...there's the double celebration. We planned this weekend away several weeks ago. Given how crazy busy we've been of late, this will be a nice respite for us.

A word about the photo: It was taken at Wrigley Field on July 27, 2008. We saw the Cubs beat the Florida Marlins in a game that featured five home runs. We headed out to the game the same day we joined hundreds of others in a hotel ballroom, where we were part of the audience that saw Barack Obama, then a presidential candidate, interviewed on CNN.

That was quite a day. And this will be quite a weekend...

Friday, September 25, 2009

I fear...he's from Mount Vernon

Every time we travel up to our vacation property in the San Juan Islands, our path takes us through the town of Mount Vernon, Washington. It's an agricultural community of about 31,000 people 60 miles north of Seattle. When we pull off I-5 to pass through town, heading west to Anacortes, we know we're about a half hour away from the ferry landing .

We've often stopped for lunch, and have become quite familiar with the retro downtown, which gives off a vague '70s vibe. So I was mildly surprised when I caught a news item the other day saying that Mount Vernon's mayor had proclaimed Sept. 26 (that's tomorrow) as "Glenn Beck Day" to honor the conservative commentator who's rocketed to fame on CNN as a wild-eyed, flame-throwing critic of President Obama.

Turns out Beck grew up in Mount Vernon, although he moved to Bellingham, just south of the Canadian border, and graduated from high school there. He is probably best known as the guy who recently declared that Obama has "a deep-seated hatred for white people." And he seems to everywhere you turn -- TV, radio, books, magazine covers, the Web. I'm more familiar with Rush Limbaugh, the mouthpiece of the rabid right, so I suppose it was morbid curiosity that drew me to a recent TIME magazine cover story, "The Agitator," to see what I might learn about Beck.

Sure, I already knew he was "the hottest thing in the political-rant racket, left or right," and "a gifted entrepreneur of angst," as the TIME article noted. But reporter David Von Drehle provided more:
Beck is 45, tireless, funny, self-deprecating, a recovering alcoholic, a convert to Mormonism, a libertarian and living with ADHD. He is a gifted storyteller with a knack for stitching seemingly unrelated data points into possible conspiracies — if he believed in conspiracies, which he doesn't, necessarily; he's just asking questions. He's just sayin'. In cheerful days of yore, he was a terrific host of a morning-zoo show on an FM Top 40 station. But these aren't cheerful times. For conservatives, these are times of economic uncertainty and political weakness, and Beck has emerged as a virtuoso on the strings of their discontent.
He's developed a signature catch phrase "I fear..." or "I'm afraid..." with which to stoke distrust, mistrust and outright hatred amongst his followers. And Von Drehle does a masterful job of revealing Beck's schtick.
What's this rich and talented man afraid of? He is afraid of one-world government, which will turn once proud America into another France. He is afraid that Obama "has a deep-seated hatred for white people" — which doesn't mean, he hastens to add, that he actually thinks "Obama doesn't like white people." He is afraid that both Democrats and Republicans in Washington are deeply corrupt and that their corruption is spreading like a plague. He used to be afraid that hypocritical Republicans in the Bush Administration were killing capitalism and gutting liberty, but now he is afraid that all-too-sincere leftists in the Obama Administration are plotting the same. On a slow news day, Beck fears that the Rockefeller family installed communist and fascist symbols in the public artwork of Rockefeller Center. One of his Fox News Channel colleagues, Shepard Smith, has jokingly called Beck's studio the "fear chamber." Beck countered that he preferred "doom room."
It's mildly amusing to think that Beck has raked in an estimated $23 million in salary and other earnings in the past year, when you know those revenues in all likelihood come from listeners who are the same easily manipulated small-town white folks who made up Sarah Palin's army of true believers. Do they realize they're being played?

In any case, tomorrow is Beck's big day. Check out the story about his controversial homecoming, courtesy of Manuel Valdes, a former summer intern at the Skagit Valley Herald (that's in Mount Vernon) who's now working in the Seattle bureau of The Associated Press.

Denver American Indian Commission: Transform Columbus Day

From the Denver American Indian Commission:

The Denver American Indian Commission believes the city’s rich community of diverse tribes deserves a proactive change most of us can agree on — that rapidly approaching Columbus Day could be transformed into a day to honor our all of cultures and values. Only in recent years and in some places has the holiday become a tribute to Indian America, but the DAIC believes our Denver community could join the growing chorus of tribal nations and other Native and non-Native entities that choose to honor the continent’s original residents and its vital, pre-1492 history. We feel this is an opportunity we can’t take lightly.
Our present and future generations view their culture and themselves as being directly affected by how we celebrate our history. As it stands, the holiday reinforces the inaccurate notion that North America came into being in 1492, when “uncivilized” Native inhabitants appeared only to play a short-lived role in the founding myth, and soon vanished into history.
With growing, abundant evidence of complex pre-Columbian cultures in North as well as South America, we want to restore our ancestral tribal nations to the dignity they deserve. Therefore, the DAIC is joining a growing number of tribes and nations, like the sentiment of the 10,000-member Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians that this year voted unanimously to replace recognition of Columbus Day with a day to commemorate the cultural and religious center of Choctaw life.
“For Native Americans, Columbus Day should not be a day of celebration,” said Mississippi Band Chief (Miko) Beasley Denson. “His arrival on our shores marked the beginning of centuries of exploitation of our people and our land. Much better that we should celebrate our rich culture and our traditions.”The following have eliminated, replaced or changed Columbus Day, according to media and internet information: Navajo Nation, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Tohono O’odham Nation, Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan, Jicarilla Apache Tribe, and Gila River Indian Community; Cities of Berkeley, Portland, and Duluth; the states of Alaska, South Dakota, Hawaii, Nevada, and Alabama, and several colleges and universities, including Brown University, Rhode Island.
Although Cherokee and Muscogee (Creek) nations’ tribal offices remain open on the holiday, the Osage Nation and United Keetoowah Band’s tribal offices close and the tribes refer to the day as Osage Day and Native American Day, respectively. As an organization, the Native American Rights Fund does not observe Columbus Day as a holiday. The 350-member Gathering of Indigenous People in the Americas since 1992 has referred to the day as the International Day of Solidarity with Indigenous People.
The DAIC supports and joins the Episcopal Church in repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery, an inadequate excuse offered by the early Christian Church for the brutal Colombian invasion and theft of Native homelands. The Doctrine is also the basis for subsequent laws and policies that damage Native North America today.
Let us join the many tribes and nations that have already made positive changes in their communities.

United Native Americans: First militant Indian organization

United Native Americans, Inc Was The First Militant Indian Organization To Rise To National Prominence Back In 1968

25 Sep 2009
By United Native Americans

Greetings All My Relatives,

Being The Fact That United Native Americans, Inc Was The First Militant Indian Organization To Rise To National Prominence Back In 1968; We Would Like to Take This Time To Share With All The World Some of Articles Published In The First International; Indian News Paper "War Path" Both Written & Produced By Members of United Native Americans, Inc.
Also, We Would Like Point Out The Fact That It Was United Native Americans, Inc Whom Founded & Coordinated The First Native Americans Studies Program in The United States at UC Berkeley.
And Because of This Extremely Important Program, Most, if Not All of Today's Recognized Leaders In Indian Country Have Reaped The Benefits of Participating And or Graduating From The NAS & or The AIS Program Currently Being Offered Around The World. Today, We Are Now Able to Preserve Many of Our Different languages And Document Our Nations Creation Story's at These Esteem University's Around The World.

"Education is One if The Most Powerful Tools We Can Equip Our Youth With In order to Be Successful In Today's Society". Professor Lehman L. Brightman-National President of U.N.A. Many of The Events Documented In The War Path Have Not Been Viewed By Many, if Not Any of Today's Youth. These Historical Documents Are Available Upon Request. For More Information About The Many Different Accomplishments Of United Native Americans, Inc. In Our Over Forty One Year's Of Service To Our Community, Feel Free to Visit Our Web Page at United Native Americans, Inc. (or U.N.A.) was formed in 1968 in San Francisco, California to promote the General Welfare of Native Americans. There are no paid staff or officers in U.N.A. and all work is donated. U.N.A. is not funded and exists solely on the support derived from membership dues, the sale of U.N.A. Merchandise, Tee Shirts, buttons, bumper stickers, and Posters, plus the few donations that have been received.
U.N.A was founded by Indians for Indians and is controlled by Indians.
U.N.A. has been Labeled a "Militant" organization because of it's Aggressive Stand it has taken and because of the slogan it stresses--"INDIAN POWER", which is defined as Self-Determination, the Right to Run your Own Affairs and to Direct your Own Destiny, which is something Indian People Definitely Need. U.N.A is Definitely an Action Organization and if this means "Militant" then we are Militants. We as Native Americans, in order to perpetuate our Heritage, Exercise Constructive Leadership, and to perfect a Native American Organization which will Respond to the Needs of Native Americans.
U.N.A. Strives to Improve Indian Image.
U.N.A. has been one of the Strongest advocates to improve the "Negative" image of Indian People, and has been critical of the "Movie Industry" for their Exploitation of Indians, and the Stereotype they have created of the "drunken, inarticulate, savage." Academic Revolutionary; Lehman Brightman Founded & Coordinated The First Native Americans Studies Program in The United States at UC Berkeley.
U.N.A. Testifies In Congress.
In 1968, Senate Sub-Committee Hearings on Indian Education held in Washington D.C., U.N.A. National President, Lehman L. Brightman gave some very damaging evidence against the Bureau of Indian Affairs boarding schools and their policy of taking young Indian children way from their parents and placing them in 'off-reservation" boarding schools, thousands of miles away from their homes. Mr. Brightman called Indian Education under the Bureau of Indian Affairs a "National Disgrace."
U.N.A. Investigates Indian Boarding Schools.
U.N.A. has tried to act as a "watch dog" over the governmental agencies that control Indian affairs, and has been extremely critical of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the U.S. Public Health Service for their lack of Aid and callous treatment of Indian people. Since 1968, U.N.A. has investigated four of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Boarding Schools because of complaints of "brutality, - lack of food, -overcrowded living quarters, and to find out why these four high schools were not state accredited." The four government boarding schools investigated by U.N.A. were: Sherman Institute in Riverside, California, --Stewart Institute in Carson City, Nevada, -- Pierre Indian School in Pierre, South Dakota and Phoenix Indian School in Phoenix, Arizona."
U.N.A. Investigates Indian Hospitals.
Due to other complaints by Indian people of "poor medical service and other wrong doings," U.N.A. investigated two Indian hospitals run by the U.S. Public Health Service and exposed the "outrageous practices" to the public and Federal Authorities. The Hospitals investigated by U.N.A. were: Phoenix Indian Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona and the Indian Hospital on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in Eagle Butte, South Dakota.
Services Provided by U.N.A.
The duties and services provided by U.N.A. are many and varied. U.N.A. provides the security of knowing that someone cares and will go to bat for them when all others won't. We fully realize that Indian people alone cannot rise out of this pit of poverty and neglect and it will take the combined efforts of Indians and Sympathetic non-Indians. For this reason U.N.A. accepts non-Indians as associate members who desire to help and their "expertise" in the fields of 'Law", Education, Medicine, etc, can be put to good use.
We as Native Americans, in order to perpetuate our Heritage, Exercise Constructive Leadership, and to perfect a Native American Organization which will Respond to the Needs of Native American. The Purpose of United Native Americans, Inc. Shall be:
(1) To Actively Participate in Promoting the Health, Education and Welfare of All Native Americans.
(2) To Encourage and Develop Leadership among Native American People.
(3) To Promote Cooperation among Native Americans and their Organizations.
(4) To Focus Public Attention upon those areas in which Injustices to Native Americans can be Fully Recognized and Corrected.
(5) To Encourage and perpetuate the Native American Heritage with it's individual Tribal Customs and Traditions.
(6) To Eliminate Prejudice and Discrimination Against Native Americans.
(7) To Promote the General Welfare of All Native Americans.
United Native Americans,Inc. Lehman L. Brightman: National President
2434 Faria Ave Pinole, California 94564 (510)672-7187 (510)672-7187 or (510)837-0074 (510)837-0074
Application For Membership
Name ...Birthdate ...Address ...Occupation ...Area you of Indian Descent? ...Are you a member of a Federally Recognized Tribe or Tribes? ...Give name(s) ...Do you speak an Indian Language? ...If so, What? ...To what other Indian Organizations do you belong to? ...Are you applying for regular or associate membership? ...Contact Information (Email and Phone Number) Signature of Applicant Date
United Native Americans, Inc. Lehman L. Brightman: National President 2434 Faria Ave Pinole, California 94564 (510)672-7187 (510)672-7187 or (510)837-0074 (510)837-0074
Number Deputy Date Indian Regular Membership Non-Indian Associate Membership

We Also Have Historical Video Footage That Is Currently Available For Public View Which PREDATES The Alcatraz Take Over By One Month. Indians Invade Mount Rushmore-1970 Part One:In 1969, at a time when there were only ten Native American PHDs, Academic Revolutionary Lehman Brightman Founded & Coordinated The First Native Americans Studies Program in The United States at UC Berkeley. Two Months Into Assuming the teaching position at UCB, Brightman & a Group of Students attended the Annual Meeting of The National Congress of American Indians.
October 9th 1969 NCAI Held their Annual Meeting in Albuquerque New Mexico. At that Time, says Brightman, "it was the largest, most politically powerful Indian Group in The United States---Every Indian Of Importance was there."
Scheduled speakers included Vice President Spiro Theodore Agnew & Walter J. Hickel, the Nixon-appointed Secretary of the Interior and Edward Kennedy. At the time Hickel, whose Office Oversaw the Bureau of Indian Affairs, was leading a Movement to END ALL FEDERAL TREATIES with Indian Nations. ''We can't just let nature run wild,'' said Walter J. Hickel. Professor Brightman, who had Testified before Congress Against Hickel's appointment Organized a Picket Line that Booed Hickel Off The Stand. Later, Members of United Native Americans,Inc Duped The BIA into Signing a Petition Calling For Hickel's Resignation. United Native Americans,Inc Was The First Militant Indian Organization To Rise To National Prominence.
Walter J. Hickel served as governor of Alaska from 1966-1968 and from 1990 -- 1994 and as U.S. secretary of the interior from 1969 -- 1970. Theodore Agnew- is the only Vice President in U.S. history to resign because of criminal charges.
Part Two.Indians Invade Mount Rushmore
On August 29th, 1970, a small group of dedicated young Indians Invaded Mount Rushmore, the so called "National Shrine of Democracy," located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The Indian people who took part in this out standing feat, did so at the Invitation of the Local Indian people from Rapid City, South Dakota and the Surrounding Reservations. Most of these young Indians were from Different Tribes and Reservations who Volunteered to Help the Sioux in their efforts to force the Federal Government to pay for the illegal taking of their land 94 years ago in 1877. The Invasion started at 8:00PM. Sat. Evening, the 29th of August 1970, when 23 young Indians, most of whom were college students, braved arrest and fines to help the Sioux regain their Sacred Black Hills. By 7:00AM the next Morning after an all night game of hide and seek or (rangers and Indians) most of the protesters had reached the Top of the Mountain near the four faces of the Presidents, where they hung out a large flag, with the Words, "SIOUX INDIAN POWER." And After a Brief ceremony, they renamed the Mountain "Crazy Horse Mountain" in Honor of the Famous war chief "Crazy Horse."
The Principal Leaders of the Invasion were: Lehman Brightman, National President of (U.N.A.) Dennis Banks, Executive Director of (A.I.M), Russell Means, the Leader of the Cleveland (A.I.M.) group and Carrol Swan, who helped coordinate the whole affair. Once all 23 members had reached the top and assembled, they proceeded to Establish a camp and an occupation that would last for approximately three months, or until Severe winter weather forced the withdrawal.
The incredible story behind this invasion and Occupation started five days earlier, when the local Sioux Indian people from Rapid City, South Dakota and the surrounding reservations established picket lines at the base of the monument. But after four days and nights of demonstrations the park authorities were not only not listening, but seemed to think the whole thing was a big joke. That is until the local People invited out of state Indians and National Indian Organizations to Aid them in their heroic endeavor.

After taking the mountain and occupying it for a period of ten days or more, most of the college students and others were forced to return to school or their jobs, but by then the movement had caught on and Indian People from Across South Dakota were visiting the Mountain bring Food and Water and Replacing the original invaders by two fold. This was the First Indian uprising in South Dakota since the Sioux Wiped Out Custer in 1876, and suddenly young and old alike were taking new faith, Indians were Fighting Back.

During the Second day of the Occupation the park authorities sent a message they wanted to talk with the leaders of the group to determine what they wanted and how long they intended to stay, Lehman Brightman replied, "as long as the grass grows, the water flows and the sunshine's," which didn't seem to please them much.