Monday, September 14, 2009

Top downloads at Censored Radio

Top Downloads at Censored News Radio
Photo: Ben Carnes fasting for Leonard Peltier. Photo copyright Kitty Carnes, published with permission.

Subcomandante Marcos at Digna Rabia (Spanish)
Ben Carnes: Fasting at the White House for Leonard Peltier, Carnes with Wanbli, music by Keith Secola:
Ian Zabarte, Western Shoshone: Obama bluffs on Yucca Dump:
Dennis Banks, AIM cofounder, speaking at the Havasupai Gathering to Halt Uranium Mining in the Grand Canyon
Tohono O'odham Prisoner Abuse: Angie Ramon describes how Native American inmates were locked in a suffocating transport van in life threatening temperatures by Tohono O'odham detention officers. Angie Ramon discusses Ninth Circuit. Her son, 18 year old Bennett Patricio, Jr., was ran over and killed by the US Border Patrol on Tohono O'odham land.
Carrie Dann, Western Shoshone, and Manny Pino, Acoma Pueblo, Indigenous land rights and uranium mining:
Shannon Rivers, Akimel O'otham, on Indigenous Rights. Long Walkers talk in tornado hit Greensburg, Kansas. This is the Best of the Longest Walk, recorded by Earthcycles.
Olympics 2012: The Native Youth Movement Warrior Society plans a convergence, protest and boycott of the 2010 Olympics, sending this message: 'Native land is not for sale!' Blackfire's NAMMY Record of the Year: 'Silence is a Weapon.' Also, Charlie Hill and Keith Secola at AIM West Reunion.
AIM WEST Carpinteria and El Salvador: Mark Anquoe, Kiowa, of AIM, speaks on the election in El Salvador and racist mascots in Carpinteria, Calif., whose board reconsiders removing a racist mascot today, Tuesday, March 17:
Border Radio: Jose Matus, Yaqui ceremonial leader and director of Indigenous Alliance without Borders, discusses border crossing on the US/Mexico border:
Before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Western Shoshone attorney argues for protection on Mount Tenabo. Part 2: Western Shoshones Mary McCloud and Chet Stevens speak at the Spring Gathering 2009.

Top Downloads for 2008:
Listen to Lipan Apache, Jumano Apache, San Carlos Apache, Yaqui
in Arizona and others send a clear message to Obama and the transition team: Stop the US/Mexico border wall. Speakers Eloisa Garcia Támez, (Lipan Apache), Professor, University of Texas-Brownsville/TSC, Brownsville, Texas; Daniel Castro Romero, Jr., Chair, Lipan Apache Band of Texas, Inc., Texas; José Matus, (Yaqui), Director, Alianza Indigena Sin Fronteras/Indigenous Alliance Without Borders, Tucson; Michael Paul Hill, (Chiricahua Apache/Nnee'), San Carlos Apache Tribe, Ariz.; Christoper Schere, Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, Los Angeles, Calif; Denise Gilman, Clinical Professor, Law, University of Texas—Austin, UT Law Working Group Texas-Mexico Border Wall, Texas; Jeff Wilson, Assistant Professor, Environmental Science, University of Texas—Brownsville, UT Law Working Group Texas-Mexico Border Wall, Texas; Diana Valenzuela, Jumano Apache, Redford, Texas; Margo Tamez, Co-Founder, Lipan Apache Women Defense; Moderator: Arnoldo García, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Oakland.

Navajos and Hopis protested a permit on Black Mesa for Peabody Coal, which has desecrated sacred land and led to the relocation of more than 14,000 Navajos. Recording by Mano Cockrum, Hopi-Navajo, of the Hopi and Navajo panel in Denver, Dec. 7, 2008, for Censored News.

The Best of Longest Walk Talk Radio: Ben Carnes, Kahentinetha Horn and Bahe Katenay
Ben Carnes, Choctaw, discusses his life and Standing Deer's life and death in relation to Leonard Peltier. Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, describes the crimes at the southern border of arresting Indigenous Peoples. Bahe Katenay of Big Mountain describes Navajo relocation and resistance on Black Mesa. Recorded in the Colorado Rockies on the Longest Walk by Earthcycles. This is the Best of the Longest Walk Talk Radio.

Honoring the land, honoring the youths

A tribute to Floyd Westerman, with Floyd's words on protecting the land and living in the spirit. Miwok youths on the Longest Walk -- Junior, Daniel and Vinny -- sing Miwok songs and talk with Earthcycles radio. Finally, a welcome and prayer for the land and people from the Six Nations to the Longest Walk, on the steps of the Pennsylvania Capitol.

Oneida Comedian Charlie Hill
Comedian Charlie Hill, Oneida, from Wisconsin at the AIM-West 40-Year Reunion in San Francisco, recorded by Earthcycles

Ute, Maori and Dakota
From the heart of America, comes the Best of the Longest Walk Radio, Northern Route, Part 1. Adriano Buckskin, 19, Southern Ute walker in Illinois delivers a message to youths. In Cimarron, Kansas, Maori Sharon Heta and her husband Michael Lane, Menominee, with their three daughters speak on the sovereign and inherent rights of Maori in New Zealand. Yankton Dakota in South Dakota offers songs and describe the fight to halt the construction of a commerical hogfarm in the middle of their community. These are the voices of Indigenous human rights and resistance. Produced by Earthcycles, producer Govinda Dalton and cohost Brenda Norrell on the Longest Walk Northern Route 2008.

Walking the talk, in the land of Miwok, Washo and Shoshone
Christmas Special: Listen to walkers on the Longest Walk northern route in the west, beginning with the Miwok at Shingle Springs, Calif. Walkers speaking include Marie Littlemoon, Willie Lonewolf, Antonio Ruiz and Weldon Austin, with Rockstar Ray. Chet Stevens, Western Shoshone and David Smith, Yomba Shoshone, describe the nuclear testing, radiation and gold mining on Shoshone treaty lands in Nevada. Western Shoshone Corbin Harney is remembered. Washo gathered near Cave Rock, speak on prayer and honoring Mother Earth. Calvin Magpie, Cheyenne Arapaho, offers a song. From South Dakota, at the site of the hogfarm protest, Yankton Dakota offer a drum song.

Radio stations anywhere in the world may rebroadcast programs, in whole or part. Please credit Censored News and Earthcycles radio. Audios may not be sold or used for commercial purposes.

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