Monday, September 14, 2009

MNN: 2 Horns of a Dilemma: 6 Nations & Akwesasne


Mohawk Nation News

MNN. Sep. 13, 2009. What’s happening in Six Nations and Akwesasne on Mohawk jurisdiction issues? Everybody knows the invaders have no jurisdiction over Ongwehonwe anywhere. The band and tribal councils are mum about their dealings with Canada, Ontario, Quebec, US and New York State, the five colonial meddlers at Akwesasne.

Ever wonder why the border goons scampered away so fast from the imaginary line [border] on Kawenoke Island last May 31, 2009? We hear money is in the bank for a new low level bridge over the St. Lawrence River from Cornwall Ontario to Kawenoke [formerly Cornwall Island] to US soil. It looks like a construction barge has already finished a pylon on the US side without consulting the Mohawk Nation.

Canada has installed a temporary Canada customs shack at the foot of the bridge in Cornwall. The land has already been cleared for what could be a new low level bridge to touch down from Kawenoke, along with a new multi-million dollar customs complex like the new one on the US side.

Is Mike Mitchell, the grand chief, getting big bucks to help Ottawa? We don’t want the border or the new bridge in Kawenoke. Never did! Never will! No one is singing “Baby, come back”.

Meanwhile, the Ontario Provincial police OPP are constantly exceeding their jurisdiction by foraying into Six Nations. Shouldn’t the Six Nations cops be curbing the build-up of OPP activities by taking OPP badge and car numbers, reporting it and escorting them off? Rogue cops could be sent in to try to stir up trouble. If caught, they must leave and stay away. It looks like some of our guys are holding the fort. They are there on behalf of Great Turtle Island with all Ongwehonwe standing with them.

New York State also has a dilemma. They are facing a big court case with the Haudenosaunee whom the NYS Troopers attacked in Onondaga in 1997. Most victims don’t want to settle for money. Instead they want the Troopers to stand trial. They are anxious to see if the trail leads to NYS Governor George Pataki’s office for ordering the attack. NYS is acting quiet, peaceful and accommodating. They don’t want to be seen as big bad guys like Canada, beating up Indigenous people for no reason. In fact, that is what the US is known for. That’s why they’re in court.

Meantime, the band and tribal councilors think their $hip has come in. They just have to sell out their own people. We hear Mike Flathead Mitchell is now waiting for a statue of himself to be erected at the entrance on Kawenoke [Cornwall Island], with made-in-China replicas to be sold at Wal Mart. The pigeons will love him.

Gary Wimpy McHale is the kind of stumble bum the government likes. He and his militia are photographing white customers of Six Nations stores and turning them over to the cops. Then the cops illegally harass them, grab their merchandize and probably sell them in their own swine [black] market.

McHale vows to get rid of Indigenous rights, forgetting he’s a descendant of people whom we took care of. This red neck’s too dumb to see his handlers don’t care about him. When they’re done with him, they’ll drop him like a slimy hot potato, alone and used, with no pay-off. Some day people will mention how the colonists used stupid goofs like him.

The government sets up shadow organizations like the Citizens Alliance to help patsies like McHale and his ilk. Ken Hewitt of Caledonia is their big mouth who constantly threatens our right to exist and have legitimate trade and commerce.

Six Nations has McHale and Akwesasne has Mike Mitchell. The colonists use low-lifes like them all the time. The old colonial formula is: [1] corrupt the traditional government; if it doesn’t work, [2] send in the jackals to assassinate them; if this doesn’t work, [3] bomb them; if this doesn’t work, [4] build poor rez-like communities and make them pay for it with their own resources; then [5] install quisling band or tribal councils called House Injuns. Malcolm X was right!

The CSIS agents at the shack in Cornwall are the jackal, watching our comings and goings. Their Intel coordinates the OPP, army, SQ, RCMP, CBSA and colluders like Mike Mitchell and Gary McHale.

What plans are out there for Tyendinaga, Kahnawake and Kanehsatake [Oka]?

To help contact Akwesasne Peoples Fire 613-937-1813; Six Nations 519-445-1445.

Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News, Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Or go to PayPal on MNN website. Nia:wen thank you very much. Go to MNN SIX NATIONS or AKWESASNE categories for more stories; New MNN Books Available now!

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