Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Flagstaff: The True Cost of Coal

Wednesday, October 14th @ 7pm
The True Cost of Coal Presented by the Beehive Design Collective & the Earth First! Journal
Co-Sponsored by the Taala Hooghan Infoshop & NAU Peace & Justice

On tour with giant, portable murals, the Beehive Design Collective
uses art as a tool for popular analysis, education and organizing. The Bees offer a variety of high energy, interactive, graphic-based
picture-lectures that speak to the overwhelming and complex picture of globalization, militarization, and resource extraction, as well as the
small-scale changes and actions we can undertake to build another world.
The Beehive's innovative, arts-based education strategy provokes community discussion, raising difficult questions, and offering a hopeful story in an era of too much bad news.
Over the years, we have spoken to tens of thousands of folks, and done countless presentations in locations of all kinds.
This Wednesday, October 14th, the Beehive Design Collective will be presenting at the Taala Hooghan Infoshop at 7pm.
Bring a friend or two for an evening of entertainment and education! Members of the Earth First! Journal will also be presenting on topics related to Coal Mining & environmental destruction.
Donations always accepted! ALL AGES!
Taala Hooghan Infoshop is located at 1926 N. Fourth St. Flagstaff, AZ.
Please see http://www.beehivecollective.org/ for more information related to
their current project: The True Cost of Coal.

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