Thursday, October 15, 2009

MNN: Is Mohawk Council of Kahnawake trying to hijack the Longhouse

Mohawk Nation News

MNN. Oct. 14, 2009. Many of we indigenous don’t trust the Canadian government, otherwise known as the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake. Obviously our people want to follow the Kaianerehkowa and the Two Row Wampum, our true form of decision making and legal relationship with the colonial squatters.

Few attend these shows in Kahnawake which are meant to trick us into sanctioning the tacky colonial justice system they want to shove down our throats. When are these local smucks going to stop trying to treat us like a bunch of dummies? Why don’t they all move to Ottawa to be near their masters? There they can commit colonial atrocities on each other like genocide, aggression, conformity, emotional repression, hypocrisy and the worship of comfort and consumer goods. Native Pride made some choice comments on these desperados []:

Last year 60 Minutes exposed a cheating scandal that involved Mohawk Internet Technologies that is licensed and regulated by the puppet band council of Kahnawake (the MCK). Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes asked band councilor, Mike Delisle, if internet gambling was illegal in Canada. Delisle said Internet gambling is illegal in Canada. "We're not Canadians. We're a member of the Haudenosaunee Five Nations Confederacy. We're Mohawk, Kanienkehaka people." [As a puppet band councilor, Delisle is a Canadians and a willing agent of oppression].

Delisle didn’t mention that the band council, their employees and their police administer colonial Canadian law. The MCK is not the Kanienkehaka nor the Haudenosaunee. They are set up, funded and regulated by Canada. They can’t suddenly be Haudenosaune People of the Longhouse.

Like Jim Ransom of the Saint Regis tribal council of Akwesasne, these sell-outs realize that these tribal and band councils ain't shit. When Saint Regis tried to fight OSHA violations by the US Department of Labor against their casino in Akwesasne, they were slapped. The US Federal court ruled the Saint Regis Tribe could not use Mohawk treaties because they were not party to them and could not claim to be the Mohawk Nation.

This kick in the groin to puppet tribal and band councils did not get much attention. The MCK noticed. Inch by inch the band council tries to call itself the Kanonhsesne, the Longhouse. They try to hide behind Kanienkehaka sovereignty while pushing foreign laws.

Even this judicial reform nonsense in Kahnawake is a diversion. The puppets want to incorporate concepts from the Kaianerehkowa into the puppet tribal court system, which they will say is uniquely "Mohawk", while the court's authority will come from Canada. The Kaianerehkowa cannot be bastardized to create individuals or a panel to sit in judgment of others. For what? So illegal judgments can be made and to enforce seizures of our property!!

Puppet band councilors claim that the Great Law is theirs too. These puppet band and tribal councils have abandoned the Kaianerehkowa as well as their birthright as Kanienkehaka. They get their instructions from Ottawa and Washington, not from our history, ancestors and guidance handed down over time immemorial. [These puppet councils also violate the Two Row Wampum which defines our independent political position according to international law]. They all know true sovereignty lies with us.

How do you regain a birthright you have surrendered? These puppets think they can repackage themselves as Kanienkehaka or earn brownie points from their masters by undermining the Kanonhsesne.

The Kaianerehkowa does not create authority or institutions. It provides a process for the people to assert inherent power. Band councils are for people who don’t want responsibility. They want someone else to do the work that they are too lazy to do themselves. Authority is abused when authority is delegated. We need to become more active in resisting incursions from these imposers and impostors. Native Pride edited by MNN.

Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News, Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Or go to PayPal on MNN website. Nia:wen thank you very much. Go to MNN AKWESASNE category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now!

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