Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Phoenix march against Sheriff Arpaio Oct. 16, 2009

Phoenix march against Sheriff Arpaio Friday, Oct. 16, 2009

Columbus is Not A Day.
It is a shadow that must be lifted.
It is a reality that must be shifted by the Power of the People of the Land, the Wind and Waters.
It is the fire that I require.

The Fire of the Sun Justice.
Minga Global por la Madre Tierra
Global Mobilization for Mother Earth
PHOENIX -- Local actions in solidarity with the call by Indigenous Peoples worldwide for a global mobilization in defense of Mother Earth began on Monday October 12th with a protest action at Arizona State University in opposition to the glorification of pogroms of genocide that are popularized by the designation of "Columbus Day" by institutions of government, such as Arizona State University.

ASU students led a community initiative on campus that demonstrated and educated the student body as a whole on the atrocities committed by Christopher Columbus as agent of genocide and colonization of the continent Abya Yala [the Americas] beginning in 1492.

Referencing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by the General Assembly on September 13, 2007 the speakers that included representatives of several Indigenous Nations of the territory denounced and demanded accountability from the ASU administration for allowing the calendar of university to be manipulated into an instrument of intellectual genocide and Human Rights violations.

Other actions of the Global Minga por La Madre Tierra are being coordinated on a daily basis from the NAHUACALLI, Embassy of the Indigenous Peoples in Phoenix and include a world wide web campaign of awareness regarding the position of the Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala in terms of the historical significance of October 12th 1492 as the beginning of an invasion by the colonizers from Europe.

The glorification by agencies of government and their puppets in the community who whitewash the perpetuation of genocide by clothing October 12th events as "celebrations" of "Dia de La Raza" are being condemned across the continent, with calls for a continental Day of Indigenous Dignity and Resistance. As part of this campaign the NAHUACALLI s spearheading a multimedia initiative under the theme of " Columbus is not A Day" which is circulating on the internet globally.

A specific objective of the campaign is the recollection of data, analysis, and testimony from the Nations and Pueblos of the Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala for presentation at the 2010 United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on the agenda item of a study on the Doctrine of Discovery.

Focusing on the local economic and Human Rights dimension of the issues, a mass march on Friday the 16th will target discriminatory enforcement policies such as the 287(g) program of collusion by the federal government with Human Rights abuses committed by the office of the Maricopa County Sheriff J. Arpaio. The actions in Phoenix will coalesce on Friday with a mass march that will begin at the offices of Sheriff Arpaio in the Wells Fargo Tower in downtown Phoenix, march to the Federal Building, past the county jail and back. The march is set from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Friday the 16th and is being coordinated by the PUENTE movement for Human Rights.

IV Continental Indigenous Summit Abya Yala
"No Somos Inmigrantes en Nuestro Propio Continente"
Minga Global por la Madre Tierra

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