Monday, October 12, 2009

Larry Emerson: NASA's defilement of the moon

By Larry Emerson
Dine' Nation

Censored News

I am a bit confused that Native people and organizations don't seem to be speaking to the violent nature of NASA missiles that struck the moon in their alleged search for water.

Maybe Native people are presently gearing up to speak out against NASA's action, I don't know. But so far the silence - Native or not - is somewhat puzzling. Yet, I know we can't often recognize our colonialized mentalities and don't question totalitarian scientists and their politicians.

Isn't moon a sacred being to us all? Isn't it an outrage that the next stage of the moon's colonization has begun? Or that the moon being, sacredly named in each of our Indigenous languages, now has a missile projectile in her body?

NASA scientists are despotic and arrogant, presuming they can bomb the moon without the consent of world governments and Indigenous nations.

Perhaps you all are writing and speaking out about this already. I just want you to know the anger, pain, outrage, and nausea I feel about this whole thing. Neocolonial violence never seems to cease.

A few websites who disagree with NASA's action:
Larry Emerson
Diné Nation

Comment from Robert Tohe, Dine'
This desecration will have ramifications as the moon is intimately tied to all female life and cycles. This is tantamount to assaulting a female.
NASA over the years has continuously violated the moon.
NASA need to get a message loud and clear.
No more desecration of the moon.

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