Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bloody Oil: Indigenous Tar Sands Tour UK/Ireland

United Kingdom Tar Sands Tour: November 11-23
Bloody oil: the struggle against the Tar Sands
By Indigenous Environmental Network
Three indigenous women from Canada are visiting the United Kingdom and Ireland conducting a 10-day tour to raise awareness about the Alberta Tar Sands. Dubbed 'the most destructive project on earth', the Tar Sands are devastating indigenous communities and driving global climate change. British companies such as BP, Shell and the Royal Bank of Scotland are heavily involved. The inspirational young women are working in partnership with UK groups, including Tar sands in focus, to internationalize their campaign supporting Indigenous Peoples Rights and to halt one of the world’s fastest growing causes of climate crisis.
Featuring, from the Indigenous Environmental Network in Canada:
Heather Milton-Lightening, from the Pasqua First Nation in Saskatchewan, has been organizing with the Native Youth Movement since 1995. She is now the Alberta based Tar sands Campaigner for the Indigenous Environmental Network.
Eriel Tchekwie Deranger, a Dene woman belonging to the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation of Northern Alberta, is the Freedom from Oil Campaigner for the Rainforest Action Network.
Melina Laboucan-Massimo, is Lubicon Cree from Northern Alberta. She has been working as an advocate for Indigenous rights for the past 9 years, and currently works for Greenpeace Canada
Bloody Oil:
Tar Sands UK / Ireland Speaker Tour Itinerary
13th November – 7-9pm Bristol Arnolfini, C words Festival
3-5pm Bristol Arnolfini, Trapese Collective:Workshop on grassroots activist education and direct action
14-15th – Rossport Solidarity Camp (Ireland)
16th – 7-9pm Science Oxford, ‘Bloody oil’: Canada’s Tar Sands, indigenous rights and climate change’
17th –10am-12pm London: Parliamentary event
2.30pm – RBS action with People & Planet
7-9pm – Speaker meeting, George Pub, 373 Commercial Road, Stepney, London, E1 0LA
18th – 7pm, Climate Justice Now! speaker tour, School of Oriental and African Studies, London
19th – 7pm, Y Plas, Machynlleth, Wales, organised by Centre for Alternative Technology
21-22 Shared Planet conference, Manchester
22nd – 6pm, Speaker meeting and screening of H2Oil, Dancehouse Theatre, Oxford Road, Manchester, organised by Ethical Consumer
Watch the Oxford event live on Monday 7.30pm UK time

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