Wednesday, November 11, 2009

O'otham Piipash River Run

River Run Gathering, Potluck, & Singing
At Piipash Service Center
November 20, 2009
7 pm – 11 pm

Join us as we come together in Piipash Village to hear about the annual River Run. We will also sing traditional songs and share the good company of one another and prepare for the next day’s run. Bring your favorite dish to share with your relatives. All O’othham and our supporters are welcome to this gathering. For those that are going to run the next morning, you may stay overnight, so bring your gear!

Annual River Run
From Piipash Village to Sivan Vahkih
November 21, 2009
4 am – 4 pm

This one-day run will take place starting from Piipash Village and end at Sivan Vahkih (Casa Grande Ruins in Coolidge). It is an individual spiritual run commemorating our Akimel, as well as the 1751 Pima Revolt. This is a non-competitive ultra run and there are no distance requirements; all runners decide how far they want to run. Volunteers, donations and support vehicles are needed. Runners: please contact Adrian or Darius to find out what you need to bring; supporters, what you can donate. A celebration with singing, dancing and food will be held after the run (around 5 pm, location TBA).
To support these events, please contact Adrian; Darius Enos

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