Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Earl Tulley, Notes from Copenhagen II

Notes from Copenhagen
By Earl Tulley, Navajo from Blue Gap, Arizona
December 16, 2009
Censored News

"Made it into the center and let me tell you there are actions taking place and there is the police presence of the total number of Danish police, 2/3 are on call and the sheer number is a showcase in and around town. As to how things work with the delegations from nations it is that if one nation walks out, the meetings are shut down. The Africa Nation led the walk out two days ago and things just came to stop.
Will action or resolution come forth from the Cop15, not too sure but the NGO's are networking and keeping issues on the front table. We came early to ensure we entered the building, others may not be here because of Metros being shut down and actions (protests) taking place. Our mission here is to put 'No Nuke' on the discussion table.
Yesterday we presented a document to Prince Albert II of Monaco, who was present at the conference hosted by the Green Landers (Arctic folks) and were able to have some face time. Things are 'bout as good as it can be and we are behaving. Forty days in jail is steep for this old man, but could handle forty days sitting at the table discussion.
The heads of state will be here today, which is perhaps the reason for step up in security. The christian house area was shut down yesterday due to the protest at the entrance of the compound of the house.
--Earl Tulley
Read more: Earl Tulley, Navajo, Notes from Copenhagen I

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