Sunday, December 27, 2009

Report cards for kindergartners?

No matter how long it's been since you were in school, I'd guess you might still carry the memory of your best or worst report card. (I still remember the C in Art and the D in General Music that I received as a fifth grader. Both pretty much confirmed I had no talent in either area but, still, it felt pretty harsh being judged in that way.)

But do you remember your first report card? Probably not.

In that vein, do you think 5-year-olds are too young to receive their first one?

You may be interested in an op-ed piece we published today in The Oregonian, written by Aki Mori, a follower of this blog and a regular commenter.

Aki is the parent of a kindergartner and a teacher in the Beaverton School District. He and I met a few months ago, prompted by the fact we had a Bay Area thing in common. Before moving to Oregon, he taught in the public schools in Union City, Calif. And, years ago, that's where I attended grade school (Decoto Elementary) before moving to Fremont.

In any case, Aki has impressed me as a very thoughtful guy and earnest writer -- just the kind of young educator we should all be thankful for. Read his essay here and share your two cents.

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