Monday, April 5, 2010

Censored Today

Censored Today: Indian prisoner rights, residential school abuse, voices at the border and the puppet masters
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Photo: Mohawk Splitting the Sky in Canada, during attempted citizen's arrest of war criminal George Bush.

Lenny Foster's testimony to the United Nations, delivered to the US State Department in the so-called "Listening Sessions," regarding the imprisonment of Leonard Peltier and religious freedom and spiritual practices in US prisons, is currently among the most censored issues.
Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, writes in her latest column, "Stop the Trains," about the agents and methods of destruction targeting Indigenous Peoples.
"If the band and tribal councils do not help their masters, there will be unorganized chaos and less of us will be killed or affected. They will discourage resistance, sabotage rescue attempts and coerce us to re-settle. Our lands and properties are probably being promised to them. In the end, they will be put on the same trains with us. The Apache trackers who helped the US army capture Geronimo were all sent to the same prison in Florida."
With the Bolivia Climate Summit about two weeks away, workshops are already at work online for those registered. The Rights of Mother Earth is the revolutionary premise for what is to come, a new way of thinking about protecting the earth and her resources, honoring the sacredness of life and holding responsible those who poison the earth.
World's People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth: Draft Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth
Mohawk Splitting the Sky and Former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney deserve an award for being the most censored in the should-be news department.
McKinney was detained by Canadian immigration enroute to the trial of Splitting the Sky in March. Splitting the Sky was arrested as he attempted to make a citizens arrest of George W. Bush for war crimes. McKinney was unable to testify because of the delay. The trial ended abruptly and Splitting the Sky is now awaiting sentencing. McKinney also spent time in an Israeli jail during her humanitarian efforts to Palestine in 2009.
Watch McKinney's video interview and read more:
Aboriginal elders are in Rome holding the Pope responsible for the sexual abuse, torture and murder of Indian children in church-operated residential schools in Canada.
"Lillian Shirt of the Cree Nation and Charles Cook of the Anishinabe-Ojibway Nation will gather with Rev. Kevin Annett and other members of The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD) and Italian supporters at a memorial service outside the Vatican in St. Peter's Square on Easter morning, Sunday April 4 at 11 am.
Both of the native elders survived incarceration in Catholic Indian schools in Canada, and witnessed the deaths of other students. "
Congratulations to Ofelia Rivas, founder of O'odham VOICE Against the Wall, selected by the organization Borderlinks in Tucson, along with Teresa Armenta Mendez, to receive this year's award for Women on the Border.
While the Tohono O'odham elected leaders have been coopted by the US Border Patrol and Homeland Security, absorbing wealth while the O'odham people live in desperation, Rivas has been a voice for truth. She has been falsely arrested and abused and held at gunpoint by tribal police and Border Patrol.
Rivas was nominated by Censored News publisher Brenda Norrell.
“Ofelia repeatedly risks her life for the purpose of truth and justice. She has been the voice of grass-roots people on the border and struggled to protect ceremonies and sacred pilgrimage routes that have been divided by the border. She was the lone voice that exposed the destruction of the graves of O’odham ancestors by the construction of the border wall. Most recently, Ofelia served four days in jail in Chiapas for her support of the indigenous rights movement of the Zapatistas."
Back to those so-called US State Department Listening Sessions. Russell Means, Lakota, warns not to be duped by the smokescreen.
"Once again, the occupation government of the United States of America has trotted out its dogs and ponies to provide a smokescreen and diversion from its continuing crimes against the indigenous peoples and nations of the Western Hemisphere. The reason for today’s media spectacle is supposedly for the US State Department to 'listen' to input from indigenous peoples and nations for inclusion in the U.S.’s report to the United Nations Human Rights Council, universal periodic review process."
Read more at Censored News:
Also see: ICE out of control and Obama's empty promises:

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