Thursday, April 1, 2010

PERU: Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth

Bolivia Climate Summit: The discussions on the Rights of Mother Earth and Climate Change are already underway online in advance of the Bolivia Climate Summit in virtual workshops for those registered for the conference
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
With the World's Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia, less than three weeks away, Indigenous Peoples are already discussing the vital need to protect the rights of Mother Earth.
The discussion is underway in the Referendum Working Group. Its premise states, "Humanity, the only species in the planet able to decide about its relation with Mother Earth and the possibility to generate discussion and implement activities to preserve this relation, should have the possibility to express through direct opinions, in order to establish for each Government an action plan permitting recovering of the harmony with our Mother Earth."
In the Referendum workshop dialogue, questions are asked to generate responses for a world referendum. The Referendum workshop focus is on reestablishing harmony with Mother Earth and recognizing its Rights; a change of over-consumption of the waste model which is the capitalist system; domestic reduction and absorption of the developed countries greenhouse gases in order to prevent temperature increases of no more than 1º C and the transfer of all war expenditures to more money for climate change. It further asks: "Are you in accordance to create a Climate Justice Tribunal to judge who destroys Mother Earth?"
Otto Mendoza Portocorrero, president of ONAPROS in Peru, offers this statement:
Whereas, some countries will be reluctant to comply with the agreements accomplished during the Conferences, in this particular case during the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, to be held on April 19th to 22nd, 2010 in Cochabamba, Bolivia,
Whereas it is a duty of peoples representatives to seek for its peoples interests,
Whereas climate change affects not only human beings but also all animal species, for the ones we must advocate,
Whereas human beings and all alive beings of the world are the ones who suffer climate change consequences,
Whereas the percentage of greenhouse gas emission reductions from countries is not sufficient to avoid an increase in global temperature,
This is related with the defense of life, and due to the lack of support from developed countries to give a solution, through policies seeking for an increase in greenhouse gas emission reductions percentages, which can be achieved through forestation and reforestation by all peoples of the world, and also through the production of clean and renewable energy; in this sense the production of gases causing climate change would be counteracted.
It is a requirement that through the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, President Evo Morales’ proposal is approved by the establishment of a referendum and its questions, so the peoples of the world can make their voices be heard in their votes. This will force developed countries to prioritize climate change issues executing effective gases reduction policies, which will tackle global warming that comes as a consequence of environmental contamination.
Governments will be in charge of the popular consultation to contribute with nature balance.
Arequipa, PERU, February, 2010
Otto Mendoza Portocarrero
ONAPROS President
Reg. 1140142836-677

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