Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Anamolies of Histories: The Masters Narrative and the Wakeup Call from the Nightmare of Manifest Destiny

The Anomaly of Histories:
The Masters Narrative and the Wakeup Call from the Nightmare of Manifest Destiny

Coyote Radio on American Indian Airwaves
Interview with Tupac Enrique Acosta of TONATIERRA

The Jurisprudence of the Cochabamba Protocols vs Arizona SB1070
The bill itself is one of the instruments in the overall assault that has ongoing in the territory for the past few hundred years. This didn’t start with Sheriff Arpaio or the County Attorney Andrew Thomas. This begins with the story of Manifest Destiny and also that was launched by the continental invasion of Abya Yala under the Doctrine of Discovery, in terms of jurisprudence. There is an attribute of what goes on today, when we are discussing legalization or discussing comprehension and comprehensive immigration reform, it seems to be that we are taking the framing of the colonizing regime and assuming and presuming that these are instruments of legality, whereas if we are to do a more comprehensive evaluation based on the Right of Self Determination, the Principles of UN Resolution 1514 (1960) which states that “All Peoples have the Right of Self Determination” and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), from that perspective we need to address the current laws such SB1070 as another attempt by the European American constituencies to define and control allegiances, and retain their bases of political power as constituencies of “white” America.
Embassy of Indigenous Peoples
From Selma to Phoenix, from Civil Rights to Human Rights and, the Rights of Mother Earth!
The Cochabamba Protocols
Respect - Respeto
Inclusion - Inclusividad
Complementarity - Complementariedad
Peace - Paz
The Declaration of Interdependence
Land - La Madre Tierra: Los Cinco Continentes - The Five Continents
Water - Agua: The Single Sea - La Abuelita Mar
Air - Aire: The Atmosphere - El Atmósfera
Sun - Sol: Energy Systems - Sistemas Energeticas
Columbus is Not a Day
The 20th Political Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, Article 416, numer 6 “advocates the beginning of universal citizenship, free mobility of all inhabitants of the planet and the progressive ending of the foreigner condition”, and number 7 “demands respect for human rights, in particular for the rights of migrants” (Article 45, Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, 2009:183). Moreover, both the third section “Human mobility” and the tenth section “Population and human mobility” emphasize in the right to migrate, to ask for refuge and appeals to the principle of universal citizenship. With this constitutional proposal, Ecuador bets for a new conception of citizenship that points towards the principle of free informed mobility, entry in receiving countries, and local and regional development due to the free movement of persons.
Embassy of Indigenous Peoples

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