Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Border Patrol Occupiers Call for Direct Action and Support

Border Patrol HQ Occupiers Call for Direct Action Support
Press statement
Scuckson (Occupied Territories of Tucson, AZ) -- On June 1, 2010 at 8:30AM (MST) the 6 peaceful resisters who locked down and occupied the Border Patrol Headquarters in Tucson, AZ on May 21, plead not guilty to charges of Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Trespassing at Tucson City Court. At this point no trial date has been set, and additional court proceedings are anticipated at the end of June and the beginning of July.

More than a dozen peaceful resisters, six of whom used devices to lock-down, occupied the Border Patrol Headquarters to demand that the Border Patrol, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Obama Administration end border militarization. The occupation lasted more than 4 hours while 70 supporters were outside protesting border militarization in solidarity with the six people locking down.

We reaffirm our opposition to border militarization and racist laws such as SB1070. We are committed to direct forms of action that uphold human dignity and respect. Terrorizing and destroying Indigenous communities, as well as the criminalizing of migrant communities, through racist legislation such as SB1070, must end.

In the past 10 days, since the peaceful act of resistance, the Obama administration has chosen to further military aggression against Indigenous & migrant communities by adding $500 million for "enhanced border protection and law enforcement activities" and mobilizing 1,200 National Guard Troops to the US and Mexico border. Even still, Arizona Senator John McCain threatens to double the number of troops in the borderlands.

We are making a non-exclusive call for affinity to those who stand in solidarity with us and others who take direct action against border militarization and the criminalization of our people.

These are some ways you can support those who continue to choose to take more direct forms of action against state violence in our communities:
- Hold Janet Napolitano and the Department of Homeland Security accountable to its attack on indigenous/migrant communities.
- Donate funds for legal defensive and offensive work
- Show solidarity at court proceedings
- Jail support
- Provide legal support/observing
- Media support
- Spread the message!

Make a donation to support legal defense/offense at:
For previous news releases and statements visit:

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