Saturday, June 19, 2010

Earthcycles/Censored News Live Broadcast US Social Forum Detroit

Emergency Fundraising
Earthcycles/Censored News live broadcast at US Social Forum Detroit

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Earthcycles and Censored News will broadcast live online from the US Social Forum, June 22--26, with a focus on Indigenous issues. Please join us at to listen. Read articles at
We are undertaking an emergency fundraising to cover our costs. Govinda at Earthcycles does now have a sponsor for a portion of his expenses to broadcast live on However, Censored News, has no sponsor or funding yet.
Please consider donating at the PayPals on Earthcycles and Censored News to cover costs:
Earthcycles online radio PayPal:
Censored News PayPal

Invitation to Indigenous Peoples from the US Social Forum, June 22--26, 2010

Indigenous Peoples Assembly: Primary contact: Jihan Gearon:
Convening organizations: Indigenous Environmental Network; Black Mesa Water Coalition (BMWC), Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment (MASE), Fort Berthold Environmental Awareness Committee
Ecological Justice: Primay contact:
Adrienne Brown
Convening organizations: Ruckus Society; Movement Generation; Southwest Workers Union; EJCC; GAIA; Mothers on the Move; Women of Color United; Just Transition Alliance; Alliance for Democracy; Indigenous Environmental Network; Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative; Mountain Justice; Southern Tier Advocacy & Mitigation Project
Tar Sands: Rhonda Anderson
Convening organizations: Sierra Club, Indigenous Environmental Network, Rain Forest Action Network, Forest Ethics, Sierra Club Environmental Justice Program, The Ruckus Society
See all workshops:
Schedule at a glance:
Photo: Earthcycles bus at the end of the Longest Walk across America in 2008. The culmination of the five month Longest Walk Talk Radio by Earthcycles producer Govinda and Censored News publisher Brenda Norrell. Photo Brenda Norrell

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