Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Indigenous Peoples Assembly at US Social Forum Detroit 2010

Indigenous at US Social Forum Detroit 2010
Censored News
Photo Ben Powless, Mohawk

Indigenous Peoples focused on the inherent right of sovereignty and the struggle to protect Mother Earth will participate in the Indigenous Peoples Assembly and workshops at the US Social Forum in Detroit, June 22--26.

The convening organizations for the Indigenous Peoples Assembly on Sovereignty are the Indigenous Environmental Network; Black Mesa Water Coalition (BMWC), Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment (MASE) and Fort Berthold Environmental Awareness Committee.

Grassroots people convening the forum are focused on poverty and building new economic alternatives, Indigenous sovereignty, climate justice and sustainability, migration, democracy and other vital issues.

Jose Matus, Yaqui, director of the Indigenous Alliance without Borders said, "Through the the help of our community network partner Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN), the Alianza Indigena Sin Fronteras will be participating in the Second U.S. Social Forum in Detroit. Let me know if you have friends in the movement or you work with an organization in Detroit or know of anyone attending the Social Forum for me to establish contact and networking." Jose R. Matus, Alianza Indigena Sin Fronteras


Indigenous Peoples Assembly
Primary contact: Jihan Gearon
Convening organizations: Indigenous Environmental Network; Black Mesa Water Coalition (BMWC), Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment (MASE), Fort Berthold Environmental Awareness Committee
Location Space: DO-03C

Ecological Justice
Primay contact:
Convening organizations: Ruckus Society; Movement Generation; Southwest Workers Union; EJCC; GAIA; Mothers on the Move; Women of Color United; Just Transition Alliance; Alliance for Democracy; Indigenous Environmental Network; Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative; Mountain Justice; Southern Tier Advocacy & Mitigation Project
Location Space: D3

Tar Sands
Rhonda Anderson
Convening organizations: Sierra Club, Indigenous Environmental Network, Rain Forest Action Network, Forest Ethics, Sierra Club Environmental Justice Program, The Ruckus Society

See all workshops:
Schedule at a glance:

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