Friday, June 18, 2010

The real John McCain

Our time here on Orcas got off to a "rocky" start.

Lori was using the gas-powered weedwhacker on the side of the house and didn't notice until after she was done that a small rock had been propelled into the passenger side window of our car and left a spider-webbed pattern of cracks.

Well, knowing rain was in the forecast and not wanting the glass to fall apart while we were in, we knocked it out ourselves into hundreds of little pieces that made for a tedious clean-up, and I ferried to Anacortes the next day to have it replaced.

Folks, if you ever need an auto glass job in Anacortes (fat chance!), allow me to recommend Novus Auto Glass on the main drag. You'll not only get great service, you'll also meet the man himself: John McCain.

This McCain is either the store owner or manager and he's as friendly as his photo would suggest. I asked him how his customers react to meeting a nationally known political figure.

"Most of 'em are pretty good about it," he said. Although, he added, "This one guy from Guemes (Island) wouldn't even shake my hand."

Obviously kidding, he said he's thought about running for political office and seeing how far the name recognition would carry him. We agreed he'd either have a cakewalk or lose in a landslide.

I pointedly didn't ask him about his politics, but he clearly doesn't play favorites when it comes to customers.

Right after finishing the job on our vehicle, with its "Women for Obama" bumper sticker (thanks to Lori), I noticed the big RV that was next in line. Its bumper sticker had, ahem, a slightly different message:

"I'll keep my guns, freedom and money. You keep the change."

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