Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Broken Taco Shells, Season 3

We brought down the curtain on another fun season at Hollywood Bowl. Last night marked the official end of a 16-week season in which we fell to 10th place from 2nd the previous season. Don't know how that happened but we had as much fun as ever, racking up the splits and spares, strikes and gutter balls.

We bowled in the Deschutes League, with the Bend-based microbrewery as league sponsor underwriting the cost of inexpensive prizes that were raffled off each week and the season-ending cash payouts that went to each team, regardless of their standing. Somehow we managed a $100 payout -- enough to slap a $20 bill in the hand of each team member. Well, except for Brian, who missed last night for medical reasons.

We went out with a bang. Ellie, who bowls as a substitute, started off modestly with a 95, then blew off the doors with a 206. I think that was our team high for the season but I could be off by a few pins. I remember John having a stellar game a few weeks back -- maybe even reaching 210.

Next up: Our team "banquet" on Jan. 9, featuring Mexican food and beer, thrift store trophies, and a special cake I've commissioned from a friend. Even before we get to the celebration, we'll start our next 16-week season on Tuesday, Jan. 4. Win or lose, it'll be a blast. We've got great team chemistry, with Erin and Beth, John and Brian, Ellie and myself. We're going to four-person teams next season but it shouldn't be a problem for us, as there will be ample opportunities for the two designated subs to fill in for other team members drawn away by work or vacation.


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