Monday, December 20, 2010

VIDEO: Lenny Foster update on Leonard Peltier, Dec. 2010

From Tony Gonzales, AIM West
The video includes the most recent interview recorded by Mary Ellen Churchill and I with Len Foster while he was in the Bay Area last week. Len is still recovering from a serious stroke he suffered in early last October. I am glad to see him stronger and more determined than ever calling on everyone else to seek freedom for Leonard Peltier! Call President Obama at 202-456-1111!
Although the interview is more extensive, this is only six minutes about Leonard Peltier, it is the latest information to the public. Soon we will have additional portions of this interview available and linked to the website.
Thanks for your help, and to everyone good holy days ahead, and in the coming new year!
Tony Gonzales AIM-WEST

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