Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fifty Followers!

50. The Big Cincuenta. Or just a big "L" if we're dealing with Roman numerals...

Any way you represent it, I'm pleased to note that Rough and Rede reached another threshold last week when the "followers" odometer hit 50.

Is it possible to write about this without sounding egotistical?

I'd been stuck in the mid-40s for a long time but I noticed some movement shortly after the first of the year. Finally, last week, a new icon appeared, representing the musical interests of a high school classmate I connected with at our reunion last fall. JoElyn is a clarinetist, a lover of the outdoors and, much to my surprise and delight, a big-time baseball fan -- a rabid follower of the San Francisco Giants and no doubt still walking on air after their World Series win last fall.

Anyway, this seems a good time to express two thoughts:

1. I really appreciate the encouragement and friendship that come from writing this blog. I know that having 50 followers doesn't mean that everyone is reading regularly. Heck, I'm realistic to know there are probably several "one-and-dones" out there. So it means a lot to receive the feedback that comes from each and every comment you leave.

2. I have a hunch that some of you would get along really well with each other if I were to provide a virtual introduction. So I'm going to give myself permission to do just that -- while noting that it's already happened by itself in a couple of cases. Consider it a variation on the saying "Mi casa es tu casa." (My home is your home.) "Mis amigos son sus amigos." (My friends are your friends.)

Image: Ryan's 50 Word Short-Stories

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