Monday, May 2, 2011

Conan O'Brien and the coming of the Beardpocalypse

Yes, the coming of the possible “Beardpocalypse” is a bald-faced marketing ploy — but it's one I heartily endorse. 

What's the Beardpocalypse, you ask? It's the much-rumored — and equally hyped — “beard-apocalypse” the potential demise of funnyman Conan O'Brien's facial follicles at the hands Will Ferrell, who is a guest on the episode of “Conan” that airs on TBS at at 11 p.m. PDT Monday. 

“It's coming off on May 2nd,” taunts Ferrell in one promo posted online. “I'm going to mount that beard in my game room like a nine-point buck!”

The run-up to the will-Will-or-won't-Will appearance has included a Photoshop contest (among the entries are riffs on the “Burlesque” and “Gone With the Wind” movie posters — featuring O'Brien and Ferrell) and social media mentions featuring the #beardpocalypse hashtag.

As of this writing, the most recent of those was a post from O'Brien's Twitter account Monday morning, apparently a reference to yesterday's news that Osama bin Laden had been killed:

“Yesterday, we took care of one maniac with a beard. Today, Will Ferrell will take care of another. #Beardpocalypse”

 If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on O'Brien coming out of this confrontation with smooth cheeks. The only question left is how the beard banishment will go down — will it be via the old-school straight razor Ferrell can be seen wielding in the recent promo? What about an electric razor — or a Schick Quattro?

But if they were really hard-core, wouldn't that beard go out in a spectacular blaze of glory — something like, say, a thrown pie pan full of Nair right in the kisser?

I guess we'll know soon enough.

– Adam Tschorn

Photo: Will Ferrell (left, credit: Victoria Will / Associated Press) is threatening to shave off Conan O'Brien's beard (credit: Art Streiber / TBS) when he appears on the latter's show Monday night. 



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