Thursday, September 25, 2008

'I Am American' film in Tucson

Five years after 9/11, Weber began on-camera interviews with US citizens of various ages, races, religions, sexes and ethnicities caught up in the security and immigration crossfire of the ‘war on terror.’ The result is a fascinating series of portraits that illuminate and refigure national ‘stories’of US identity, citizenship, tolerance, and patriotism.
Join us for campus and community screenings this month, where Professor Weber will be present to introduce and discuss the film.
Thursday, September 25, 6:00 pm 305 Harvill Building, 1103 E. 2nd St., University of Arizona
Free and open to the public - Sponsored by the Department of Political Science
Friday, September 26, 6:30 pm Armory Park Ballroom, 220 S. 5th Avenue, Tucson Everyone Welcome! $5.00 suggested donation
All proceeds will benefit Derechos Humanos, No More Deaths, and O’odham Voice Against the Wall
Posted by University of Arizona Women's Resource Center Blog

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