Monday, September 29, 2008

Sounds of the Longest Walk Northern Route

Sounds of the Longest Walk

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

There's about 500 audios from the Longest Walk northern route from the talk radio show on Earthcycles In honor of those who walked, here's a few of the best days of interviews and songs.

--Fallon Stillwater, Paiute Shoshone, with songs by Miwok walkers and Savage family CD:
Paiute tanning and gathering with Wesley Dick:

--Longest Walk, Lake Tahoe to Cave Rock, Nevada

--Ute Indian Museum in Montrose, Colorado, songs and talk by Montrose mayor:

--Colorado: Ben Carnes, interviews on Leonard Peltier; interview with 1978 walker David Velarde, 3/30/2008:

--Sand Creek Memorial: Remembering the massacred Cheyenne and Arapaho:
Marty Chase Alone, Oglala, representing the Red Cloud people and a Tiospaye of the Big Road Band, "Wiping the tears," at Sand Creek:

--Yankton SD. hog protest, with Lakota songs

--Cimarron, Kansas: Govinda's pick of a great cow song, "Cows are fun ..." since this is slaughterhouse and feedlot country. This is one of the best shows. There's an interview on Maori Sovereignty with Sharon Heta and Michael Lane walkers from New Zealand. It includes an interview with walkers Sony and Justin, who talk about Kansas, cows and rain:

--Walkers respond to attack by Columbus, Ohio, police, and AIM song at Ohio Capitol:
More walker comments on police attack, from camp at Raccoon State Park:

--Interviews with Navajo, Lakota, Menominee, Euchee and other walkers on May 6, 2008, Knob Noster State Park, Missouri:

--International Indian Treaty Council Human Rights Forum, with comments by Andrea Carmen, Lenny Foster, Ute youth walker Adriano Buckskin and others, in Illinois:

--The AIM song led by Calvin Magpie, Cheyenne Arapaho, powwow songs and talk, at the Cahokia Mounds Powwow in Illinois on May 10, 2008

--Songs and speeches on the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol at Harrisburg, including Mohawk and Tuscarora drum song, on June 30, 2008:

--Craig Luther, Navajo, sings at Greenbelt Park, Maryland (by the tree 2008-7-10); Shoshone: Darlene Graham, Shoshone speaks on traditional healing and Janice Gardipe, Paiute and Shoshone, sings an honor song for the walkers:

Listen to Keith Secola's NDN Cars online. Secola was among the performers at the Longest Walk Concert in DC:

Earthcycles is produced by Govinda Dalton. Longest Walk talk radio cohost is Brenda Norrell. Photos: Photo 1: Carl Bad Bear Sampson drumming outside Newmont Mining at Longest Walk prayer and protest in downtown Denver/Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 2: Michael Lane with daughter/Photo Brita Brookes. Photo 3: Luv the Mezenger arrested by Columbus, Ohio, police who attacked Long walkers unprovoked/Photo Marie Littlemoon. Photo 4: Longest Walk northern route at Cahokia Mounds/Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 5: On the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol/Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 6: At the drum, Janice Gardipe, Paiute Shoshone, with Darlene Graham, Western Shoshone/Photo Brenda Norrell.

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