Wednesday, September 24, 2008

World Can't Wait: Bush protest at the UN

By Debra Sweet
The World Can't Wait
Yesterday, George Bush spoke to the General Assembly of the UN. NY1 reported, "Protesters staged a rally at Dag Hammerskold Plaza, across from the U.N., during Bush's appearance. They called on the president to withdraw troops from Iraq and not attack any other nation.'We're here to demand there be no attack on Iran, that the U.S. pull out of Iraq, and not attack Pakistan or Afghanistan,' said protest organizer Debra Sweet. 'He has broken the Geneva Conventions. He shredded our Constitution and he sent the same military members back to an illegal and immoral war, three, four, five times,' said Elaine Brower, whose son is fighting in Iraq. 'And I think it's time that people call him on it.'Matthis Chiroux, above left, spoke to the press, explaining why he refused "stop-loss" orders to go to Iraq after he had been discharged from the Army. He had done a tour in Afghanistan, ready to "kill terrorists," but changed his mind after being there. He's now a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. After Matthis spoke, he was the staged "victim" of a waterboarding demonstration. We all had a chance afterward to talk to the international press about the crimes of the Bush regime, and to challenge the people present to act against these crimes.Since Bush was speaking to the United Nations about why he's sending more troops to Afghanistan, it's interesting that on the same day, the US government said they would not be making public the National Intelligence Estimate about Afghanistan. Canada and the Netherlands are reportedly about to pull their troops out, but as we have noted, Obama and McCain, both say they will be sending more troops there.
CHEERS! Yesterday, members of Veterans for Peace climbed onto a ledge at the National Archives, and stayed for 24 hours, fasting. Those who participated were Those Board President Elliott Adams, Board Member Ellen Barfield, staff member Doug Zachary, Kim Carlyle, Diane Wilson, and Tarak Kauff.
Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime

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